Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

First Annual International Concerto Competition 2019
Concerto 2019: Brahms piano concerto No.1 in D minor, Op. 15

General Information and Application    (updated as of 2/5/2019)

Eligibility: This competition is open to anyone age 25 and under as of May 31, 2019. If passed the screening, the applicants should be able to appear in person for the First Round and Final Round. And if chosen as the winner, to participate in all rehearsals and performance.

Application Fee: A non-refundable USD $80 is required for all applicants, payable to Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, 3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, USA. It could be paid via paypal or by a bank check.

Important Dates:
  • Application Deadline: May 31, 2019
  • Screening results announcement: June 15, 2019
  • August 15, 2019: Announcing the required 5 min section from the 3rd movement of of the Brahms concerto to be included in the First Round.
  • First Round: Saturday, August 17, 2019, 1 - 5 pm at New England Conservatory's Burnes Hall
  • Final Round: Sunday, August 18, 2019, 7 - 11 pm at New England Conservatory's Williams Hall
  • Orchestral rehearsal with winner soloist: Wednesday, August 21, 7 - 10 pm at New England Conservatory's Brown Hall
  • Orchestral Dress Rehearsal: Friday, August 23, 7 - 10 pm at New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall
  • Orchestral Concert: Saturday, August 24, 7:30 pm at New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall

The winner will receive USD $3,000 cash and the opportunity to perform at the prestigious Jordan Hall with Mercury Orchestra,, the national winner of the 2010 American Prize in Orchestral Performance, and conductor Channing Yu, 2010 American Prize in Orchestral Conducting. Those who passed the screening to the First Round will receive USD $100 cash for travel expenses, the finalists will each receive additional USD $200 (total USD $300) for travel expenses.

Jury Panel: (in alphabetical order)
(The judges will not give scores to his/her own students)

For Video Screening:
Professor Bruce Brubaker, New England Conservatory of Music, USA
Professor Grace Chung, National Tainan Arts Academy, Taiwan
Professor Phillip Kawin, Manhattan School of Music, USA
Dr. Yinfei Wang, Manhattan School of Music, USA
Professor Hong Xu, Wuhan Conservatory of Music, China

For First and Final Round:
Professor Jonathan Bass, Boston Conservatory of Music, USA
Professor Wha-Kyung Byun, New England Conservatory of Music, TBC
Professor David Deveau, music faculty MIT
Professor Haesun Paik, New England Conservatory of Music, and Cleveland School of Music, TBC
Mr. Channing Yu, Conductor Mercury Orchestra, USA

Official collaborative pianist will be provided for all finalists
Dr. Yinfei Wang, Manhattan School of Music, USA

How to apply:

  1. Submit a non-refundable USD $80 application fee, payable to Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, 3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, USA. Via paypal or a bank check.
  2. Submit the Application Form, available at: link, with applicant's personal information, and official proof of birth date. For applicants who are under18, the parent/guardian's information and signature are also required.
  3. Upload the unedited screening videos to YouTube (or Youku for students in China), and provide the links with detailed repertoire information in the application form.
  4. At least two solo pieces of contrasting style are required, and must include one of the following:
            - A movement from a classical sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert
            - A prelude and fugue by J.S. Bach
    The total duration of the videos should not exceed 20 minutes.
    The video must begin with the applicant identifying himself or herself and giving the names of the pieces to be played and their composers.

    The applicant could also choose to include, but not required, a movement of the assigned concerto 2019: Brahms piano concerto No.1 in D minor, Op. 15.
    All pieces must be played by memory.
    The repertoire may be repeated in the First Round.
  5. The screening results will be announced by June 15, 2019 through e-mail. Up to twelve applicants will be invited to the First Round on Saturday August 17, 2019 at New England Conservatory's Burnes Hall to perform solo pieces by memory, in front of Jury Panel and audiences.
  6. The chosen competitors should confirm their participation via e-mail no later than July 1, 2019, and provide the repertoire for the First Round. A short bio of 200 words or less and a photo for publication are also required.
  7. The requirements of repertoire for the First Round include two parts:

    a.  10 to 15 minutes of solo piece(s), that must include one of the following:
            - A movement from a classical sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert
            - A prelude and fugue by J.S. Bach
    b.   A section from the third movement of the Brahms Concerto in D Minor, Op. 15 (about 5
          minutes), to be announced on August 15 (two days before the first round).
  8. The repertoire used in the video screening round may be repeated. If the competitor exceeds the time limit, the Jury members have the right to stop the performance.
  9. The competitors should arrive New England Conservatory at least one hour prior to the assigned
    time slot. Warm-up practice room will be provided.
  10. All travel and lodging expenses are the applicant's responsibility. An USD $100 for travel expenses will be rewarded to each of the twelve invited applicants. Additional USD $200 (total USD $300) for travel expenses will be awarded to each of the 4 Finalists.
  11. The order of appearances will be the alphabetical order of applicant's last names.
  12. The Jury’s decision is final and binding. This event is open to public.
  13. Up to four Finalists will be invited to the Final Round next evening, Sunday August 18, 2019, 7 pm to 11 pm at New England Conservatory's Williams Hall in front of the same panel of jury and any audiences.
  14. The up to four finalists will each have one hour rehearsal with our official collaborative pianist on Sunday August 18 during 10 am to 12 pm, and from 1 pm to 3 pm, on assigned time slot. Individual practice rooms will be provided.
  15. The order of appearances will be determined by drawing, as the same order of rehearsals during the day.
  16. The finalists will perform the assigned concerto in its entirety from memory, with our official collaborative pianist on the second piano. The result will be announced right after the Final Round. The Jury’s decision is final and binding. This event is open to public.
  17. The winner will start private rehearsals and open performance with Mercury Orchestra on dates and venues as listed above.
  18. By signing the Application and Release Form, the applicant and/or his/her parent/guardian of the applicant agrees to release the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts 中華表演藝術基金會, the New England Conservatory of Music, and their agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, and cause of action on account of any injury, illness, or loss which may occur during his/her participation in The First International Concerto Competition, and the Summer Concert Series at NEC 2019