31, 2020, 7:30-10:30 pm
 at Jordan Hall


Joseph Lin 林以信,violinist

celebrating the 300th year of Bach's Violin
Sonatas and Partitas

photo by Koichi Miura




celebrating the 300th year of Bach's Violin
Sonatas and Partitas

Spending time with the music of Bach is both a privilege and a humbling experience. It challenges us to listen deeply, open our spirits, and imagine infinite possibility through sound. Little did Bach know that his Sonatas and Partitas would become the most essential works for any violinist; indeed, it is not clear whether they were even performed during his life. Yet these personal statements have survived to resonate a profound chord in humanity for generations and across cultures. Three centuries later, we have an opportunity to reflect on their remarkable qualities that not only endure but continue to evolve. Our lives are enriched with each discovery as we seek to understand this music and ourselves. 
-Joseph Lin
Violinist Joseph Lin is invited to give TWO master classes at Harvard and NEC. Both are free and open to the public.

1, Friday, 1/24/2020, 1-3:30 pm, NEW location: Holden Chapel open to all Harvard students and the general public, free but require registration.

Bach and the Art of Imagination: A performance workshop with Joseph Lin ‘00 Spending time with the music of Bach is both a privilege and a humbling experience. It challenges us to listen deeply, open our spirits, and imagine infinite possibility through sound. Joseph Lin, formerly of the Juilliard String Quartet, will be joined by three Harvard student players for this workshop, exploration and reflection on of some of the most essential works for string instruments. This is event is open to all Harvard students as well as the general public. Experience in music not required! All are welcome. Also, in a separate event, Joseph Lin will be performing Bach's sonatas and partitas for solo violin on January 31 at Jordan Hall.

Joseph Lin gave this in-depth masterclass on JS Bach to four Harvard students at Harvard Holden Chapel this afternoon, where Mr. Lin encouraged the young artists to look closely at the composer's manuscript and be mindful of phrasing markings and articulations. The four established musicians from Harvard (cellist Camden Archambeau, violist Sofia Tong, pianist Andrew Li, and violinist Katherine Zhu) were both artistically mature and were very articulate in sharing their thoughts on playing Bach's music. To begin the memorable afternoon, Mr. Lin played the Grave and Fuga from Bach Sonata No. 2 in A minor. After years of researching and experiments, Mr. Lin found an effortless way to perform without a shoulder rest. Almost dance like- he was free from any physical boundaries and was fully engaged in music-making. 







2, Thursday 01/30/2020, 7-9 pm at New England Conservatory's Burnes Hall , open to all NEC students and the general public, free admission

After his dress rehearsal at Jordan Hall this afternoon, Joseph Lin conducted an open studioclass style of masterclass at NEC tonight. Three advanced NEC violinists Geneva Lewis, Alison Kim, and Andrew Samarasekara played Bach and Corigliano. Mr. Lin challenged them to play with infinite possibilities, create color variations, connecting dots thoughtfully and with imagination... Many NEC's distinguish violin faculty members were in the class tonight. Online ticket for tomorrow 01/31, 7:30 pm concert at Jordan Hall will be closed at 2 PM. Tickets are still available after 2 pm at Jordan Hall Box Office. Children under 6 NOT admitted.


~ Program ~

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
The sonatas and partitas for solo violin

Sonata No. 3 in C major
BWV 1005
 Partita No. 1 in B minor

 BWV 1002

 Sonata No. 1 in G minor

 BWV 1001


 Partita No. 3 in E major

 BWV 1006

 Sonata No. 2 in A minor

 BWV 1003

 Partita No. 2 in D minor

 BWV 1004


Joseph Lin's amazing performance at Jordan Hall on 01/31 will be remembered for a long long time. He took all of us to another world that only BACH could create. Through his playing, Joseph was able to renew our faith in truth, love, and passion. The standing ovation lasted for a longtime. He was called back to the stage 3 times by the enthusiastic crowd consisted of celebrities of the music world, his colleagues, students, friends and many others.

Susan Miron of The Boston Musical Intelligencer wrote
"The amazing Joseph Lin honored the 300th-anniversary of Bach’s six sonatas and partitas for violin solo by playing them all in a single evening’s span with but a 20-minute intermission at Jordan Hall on Friday; he delivered with superb taste and crystalline musicality.
…. despite reading of his many prestigious awards, and seeing quite a few enthused musical luminaries in the audience, and knowing how the Chinese Foundation for the Performing Arts, with Dr. Catherine Chan at the helm, has been presenting stellar musicians for three decades, little had prepared me for this extraordinarily powerful Bach recital.... From the opening, he held our complete attention, and, for the next nearly three hours, we forgot about the passing of time. It flew by, luring us into a powerful trance... time entered a magical realm. Lin let us hear these pieces most of us knew rather well, as if for the first time. Everything sounded just right.
….. his passion and poise, his calm centeredness, his grace and his gracefulness—an alchemy of fireworks and almost surreal tranquility. I could point out a dozen exceptionally played movements, and unsurprisingly, the D minor Chaconne which ended the program cast an amazing spell... "

Sonata No. 3 in C major, BWV 1005
Partita No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002
Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001

Partita No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006
Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003
Partita No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

photos : Chung Cheng and Chi Wei Lo


(Joseph Lin)應中華表演藝術基金會邀請於一月三十一日星期五晚上七點半到十點半,在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),表演完整的巴哈六首小提琴奏鳴曲和組曲。林以信是茱莉亞音樂學院的小提琴教授,也曾在是著名茱莉亞弦樂四重奏的第一小提琴。在許多比賽中獲得獎項。當晚在喬登廳現場,來了許多音樂界的名人,和哈佛,紐英崙音樂學院,波士頓音樂學院的教授,林以信的同事,他的學生和朋友,波士頓交響樂團的團員等等。許多人遠從紐約市,新罕布什爾前來聽這場令人難忘的音樂會。

(The Boston Musical Intelligencer) 的音樂評論家Susan Miron寫道:"林以信的演出真是令人驚嘆。為慶祝巴哈創作這六首小提琴獨奏曲的300週年, 他在一個晚上,除了20分鐘的中場休息,一口氣演奏了巴哈的六首奏鳴曲和組曲。他表現出極佳的音樂品味和清澈的音樂性。雖然我已經知道他得過許多獎項,並在觀眾中看到了許多的音樂界名人,更清楚知道中華表演藝術基金會在這三十年來,一直是邀請極為傑出的音樂家演出。但是,我沒預期到這種異常強大精彩的巴哈獨奏會。從一開始,他就引起了我們的全神關注,在接下來三個小時的演出中,時間ㄧ掠飛逝,完全忘記它的存在。音樂帶引我們進入完全忘我的狀態,進入了一個神奇的境界。我們大多數人都相當熟悉這些曲目,但林以信的演出卻讓我們好像是第一次聽到這些曲子。一切都是這般美妙。林以信的演出是熱情的也是鎮定的,他的優雅和超現實的寧靜,給我們一個神奇的轉變過程。我可以指出十幾個他非常傑出的演奏樂章,但毫無疑問的,節目的最後一曲D小調Chaconne真是發出了驚人的音樂魔法。"



Joseph Lin 林以信, violinist

Sought after as a performer and teacher, Joseph Lin appears regularly at the finest halls, festivals, and conservatories throughout the United States, Asia, and Europe. His probing artistry, versatility, and leadership have long been recognized by audiences and colleagues alike. At the same time, Joseph has continued to embrace new areas of exploration, allowing his voice to evolve with depth and humanity.

Joseph Lin was first violinist of the Juilliard String Quartet from 2011 to 2018, before stepping down to devote more time to his four young children. He continues to teach violin and chamber music at the Juilliard School, leading several artistic initiatives together with both students and faculty. Joseph Lin’s 2019 concerts included a collaboration with Robert Levin presenting Beethoven and Schubert on period instruments, a Musicians from Marlboro tour on violin and viola, and performances of Bartók's Second Violin Concerto. In 2020, celebrating the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, Joseph continues a series of performances of Beethoven’s late string quartets for Camerata Pacifica. In addition, he and pianist Helen Huang perform the complete Beethoven Violin Sonatas at Juilliard, where they will lead students in a course on these Sonatas. 2020 also marks the 300th year of Bach’s violin Sonatas and Partitas, with Joseph presenting complete cycles in Boston and Philadelphia as well as masterclasses on Bach. Another focus of Joseph Lin’s work this season is Mozart’s masterpiece, the Divertimento K. 563, which Joseph takes on tour with Musicians from Marlboro.

From 2007 to 2011, Joseph Lin taught at Cornell University. There, he organized the inaugural Chinese Musicians Residency in 2009; the following year, he led a project with Cornell composers to study the violin Sonatas and Partitas of Bach, and to create new music inspired by Bach. This culminated in a series of concerts premiering the new works alongside Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas. In 2018 Joseph returned to Bach with a performance of the complete Sonatas and Partitas at Sumida Triphony Hall in Tokyo.

Joseph Lin was a founding member of the Formosa Quartet, winner of the 2006 London International String Quartet Competition. In 1996, Joseph was awarded First Prize at the Concert Artists Guild International Competition, and was named a Presidential Scholar in the Arts the same year. In 1999, he was selected for the Pro Musicis International Award, and in 2001, he won First Prize at the inaugural Michael Hill International Violin Competition in New Zealand. Joseph Lin’s recordings include the music of Korngold and Busoni with pianist Benjamin Loeb, an album of Debussy, Franck, and Milhaud with pianist Orion Weiss, and the complete unaccompanied works of Bach and Ysaÿe. His recording of Mozart’s A major Violin Concerto with original cadenzas was released in 2017. With the Juilliard Quartet, Mr. Lin recorded Schubert’s Death and the Maiden, Elliot Carter’s Fifth Quartet, as well as the JSQ’s most recent album of Beethoven, Davidovsky, and Bartók. During the summer season, Joseph Lin is a regular artist at the Tanglewood and Marlboro festivals.

Joseph Lin’s violin teachers have included Mary Canberg, Shirley Givens and Lynn Chang. Mr. Lin graduated magna cum laude from Harvard in 2000. In 2002, he began an extended exploration of China, spending 2004 studying Chinese music in Beijing as a Fulbright Scholar.

音樂會門票分為$50 (貴賓保留區、可預先指定座位)及$30(不對號自由入座)兩種 , 學生票$15 (不對號自由座區)  。六歲以下兒 童請勿入場 。購票:喬登廳票房: 617-585-1260。網站購票: 無手續費 。
$50: VIP Reserved Seats
$30: open seating at non-VIP section
$15: student open seating at non-VIP section
Children under 6 not admitted.

提供100張免費學生票 (14歲以上 , 每人一張) 請上 贈票網頁 索票  。
100 free student tickets available at only
(1 per request for age 14 and up)


查 詢: 中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵, 電話: 781-259-8195, ,


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Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts
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