Saturday September 26, 2015  8 pm at Jordan Hall






1,  Farewell My Concubine (suona and piano), 
Chinese classical arr. by Yi Zhu

霸王別姬 -

2,  Flute and Drum at Sunset (piano solo), 
Chinese classical arr. by Ying-Hai Li

夕陽簫鼓 黎英海曲

3,  Chinese Capriccio (suona and piano)
by An-Lon Huang

中國暢想曲 黃安倫曲


4,  Silk Road Fantasia, 
2nd and 5th mvt  (guanzi and piano)
絲綢之路幻想曲(第2, 第5乐章) 赵季平曲(管子与钢琴)

5,  Henan Ditty  (erhu and dulcimer)
Chinese folk song arr. by Ming-yuan Liu

河南小曲 刘明源编曲

World Premiere -
世界首演 *** 

6,  Desert River (suona and piano)
by Haofu Zhang 
大漠长河 张豪夫曲

photos: World Journal 俞國梁

GUO Yazhi 郭雅志, 唢呐 Suona

Yazhi Guo,  received his Artistic Diploma from Berklee College of Music 2015,  is widely known as "THE"  best Suona player in Asia. He graduated from Beijing Central Conservatory of Music,  and was invited to stay on as an instructor for the next nine years.

The "Flexible Core"  invented by him in 1993 was a great contribution to Suona history. It solved the problem in Suona’s playing of complicated modulations and temporary inflexions. It allows Suona,  a folk instrument,  to play in large modern orchestras,  and greatly broadening the expressive force of this instrument.

In 1998,  he performed at the State Banquet welcoming President Clinton’s visit to China. Started in 1999,  he served as the principal suona of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and became the figured soloist. In April 2007,  Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra presented him in a large scaled sold-out concert titled "Guo Yazhi’s Wind Music World-Legend of Suona"  at Hong Kong Cultural Center Concert Hall.

In July 2012,  the Orchestra presented him in another concert titled "Guo Yazhi’s Wind Music World 2-Raising the Bridal Sedan and Welcoming the Bride" . His talent and deep expression was enthusiastically received with critical acclaim. Yazhi has appeared many times on CCTV. His performances changed people’s attitude towards the "folk"  instrument Suona. He is a versatile and charismatic player. Apart from the Suona,  he can also play saxophone,  clarinet,  piccolo,  flute,  pipe,  sheng,  ocarina,  cucurbit flute,  and even ‘leaf’.

郭雅志, 唢呐及管子
美國伯克利音樂學院藝術家文憑。香港中樂團特約獨奏家嗩吶首席,  曾任教於香港演藝學院。1990年畢業於中央音樂學院並獲留校任教。1993年發明"嗩吶活芯",  令傳統嗩吶在轉換調式及變化音的演奏上有了重大突破。已成為嗩吶演奏家不可缺少的裝備。2007年及2012年,  在香港文化中心音樂廳舉辦《郭雅志的吹管世界-嗩吶傳奇》及《郭雅志的吹管世界抬花轎迎新娘》音樂會,  反響熱烈。著名樂評周凡夫稱他"郭雅志的嗩吶,  大大改變了嗩吶的傳統形象,  更將嗩吶藝術帶入了新的境界"。指揮家陳澄雄稱他"巨匠級的演奏風範,  無論傳統或現代曲風都表現得絲絲入扣,  無懈可擊!"

1990年, 畢業於中央音樂學院, 獲留校任教
1993年, 發明"嗩吶活芯"裝置, 獲國家文化部科技進步二等獎
1995年, 獲"富利通杯"中國國際民族器樂大賽二等獎
1998年, 獲美國Pro Musicis國際大獎。同年6月, 被中國文化部選為最優秀的音樂家
199912月至20118任香港中樂團嗩吶首席及獨奏家, 並任教於香港演藝學院
20074月, 創辦香港嗩吶協會並為首任會長。接受CCTV4 "香江人物" 專訪
200711月, 獲邀CCTV民族器樂大賽評委
20082013年, 獲邀為香港藝術發展局音樂評審員郭氏與眾多樂團及歌星合作, 為許多影視片及電視晚會配樂。出版有《江河水》《城市暢想》等十多張專輯

Lin Lin 林琳 piano

Ms. Lin from China received her Bachelor,  Master,  and Doctor of Music degrees in piano performance from the University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (CCM) under Eugene and Elizabeth Pridonoff. An accomplished soloist,  chamber musician and piano accompanist,  Lin has won prizes in many competitions including the Concerto Competitions of CCM. She appeared with many orchestras,  including the Wellesley,  Midland-Odessa,  Northern Kentucky,  Philharmonia Symphony Orchestra of Cincinnati,  among others. She has served on the faculty of Wright State University,  Musical Arts Center of Cincinnati,  the Preparatory Department of CCM and M. Steinert & Sons. She has also served on the jury of piano competitions,  such as the Steinway Society of Massachusetts,  the Dandelion Auditions for Outstanding Youth in Beijing,  China.

林琳, 鋼琴   美国辛辛那提大学音乐学院 鋼琴艺术博士

Sarah Tao He 何涛,  erhu

Graduated with honor from the Central Conservatory of Music Beijing,  Ms. He was an erhu and gaohu player at the China Broadcast National Orchestra. She was invited to Singapore by Expect Music Record Company in 1999 and later joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. She moved to Boston with her husband Mr. Yazhi Guo and their two daughters in 2012.

Ping Li 李平,  dulcimer

Ms. Ping Li was the principal dulcimer player and first soloist of the China Central Orchestra for Traditional Music. She dazzled audiences with her performances for over thirty years in more than twenty countries worldwide including the United States and major European and Asian cities. She was the winner of many international dulcimer competitions including the Second Prize of the China National Traditional Music Competition in 1989,  the Gold Prize in the 13th World Professional Youth Symposium in Pyongyang,  North Korea in 1988,  and the Japanese Chamber Music Competition Gold Medal at Osaka,  Japan. Ms. Li has composed,  published,  performed and recorded master works not only on the dulcimer,  but also on the GuZheng. Ms. Li is the Founder and President of the Boston Art School for Chinese Music.

音樂會門票分為$50 (貴賓保留區、可預先指定座位)及$30(不對號自由入座)兩種 , 學生票$15 (不對號自由座區) 。六 歲以下兒童請勿入場 。購票:喬登廳票房: 617-585-1260。
網站購票: 無手續費 。
$50: VIP Reserved Seats
$30: open seating at non-VIP section
$15: student open seating at non-VIP section
Children under 6 not admitted.

提供100張免費學生票 (14歲以上 , 每人一張) 請上 贈票網頁 索票 。
100 free student tickets available at http://www.ChinesePerformingArts.netonly (1 per request for age 14 and up)

查詢: 中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵, 電話: 781-259-8195, 傳真: 781-259-9147,


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Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts
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