新聞稿 (May, 2012)
, 邀請北京中央音樂學院合唱團 , 於哈佛大學聖德斯(Sanders Theatre)音樂廳演出。 這次 ,
中央音樂學院青年合唱團應邀到耶魯大學 ,
很難得的也將為波士頓音樂愛好者演出一場。 之後將會於六月二十五日到紐約舉行兩場演出:一場在聯合國 ,
當晚節目曲目將有多首大家耳熟能詳的中國名曲如蒙古《牧歌》, 新疆《青春舞曲》, 李抱枕所作的《滿江紅》等 , 除此之外 ,
也將有多首西方歌曲如莫扎特作品曲《眼淚》, 拉赫瑪尼諾夫的《春潮》, 約翰.施特勞斯的《撥弦波爾卡》,
中央音樂學院合唱團由聲樂歌劇系的優秀學生組成 , 曾演唱過巴赫 , 莫扎特 , 貝多芬 , 勃拉姆斯 , 舒曼 , 威爾第
, 普契尼 , 約翰.施特勞斯 , 冼星海 , 趙元任等諸多中外著名作曲家的合唱作品 , 曲目包括巴赫的《b小調彌撒曲》,
莫扎特的《阿利路亞》, 貝多芬第九交響樂第四樂章《歡樂頌》, 舒曼的《茨岡之歌》,
威爾第歌劇《游吟詩人》中的合唱曲《鐵砧合唱》, 歌劇《那布科》中的合唱曲《希伯萊奴隸之歌》,
普契尼的歌劇《蝴蝶夫人》中的合唱部分 , 冼星海的《黃河大合唱》, 趙元任的《海韻》,
中央音樂學院合唱團曾參加過國內外重大的合唱節 , 藝術節等演出活動 , 並為中央電視台錄製了許多經典合唱曲目。
該團曾於1989年出訪新加坡 , 獲得廣泛讚譽。 1999年 , 2001年兩度參加全國大學生藝術節合唱比賽 ,
獲得一等獎以及由第21屆世界大學生運動會組委會頒發的"大運杯"等榮譽。 2002年9月 , 為紀念中日邦交正常化三十週年 ,
世界著名指揮家小澤徵爾先生特別邀請中央音樂學院合唱團參加了意大利作曲家普契尼的著名歌劇《蝴蝶夫人》的演出 , 在日本東京 ,
中國北京公演近十場 , 深受廣大觀眾的喜愛和好評。 社會各界對青年合唱團倍加讚賞: "中央音樂學院合唱團音色年輕優美 ,
各聲部音響平衡 , 和諧統一 , 音域寬廣 , 高音輝煌嘹亮 , 具有很強的音樂表現力和藝術感染力 ,
同時充滿了年輕人的激情與朝氣 , 是一隻非常優秀的合唱團。 "正像小澤徵爾先生評價的那樣: "這些年輕人有著非常青春 ,
非常漂亮的聲音 , 他們將是中國未來的藝術家。 " 2003年12月在人民大會堂舉行北京新年音樂會上與倫敦愛樂樂團
及其他一些兄弟團體合作演出了貝多芬第九交響樂第四樂章合唱《歡樂頌》, 受到廣泛關注和一致好評。
2004年青年合唱團應邀赴慕田峪長城參加雅典奧運會北京火炬傳遞儀式並擔任合唱演出 , 影響巨大。
指揮家楊鴻年是中國著名指揮家 , 教育家 , 國際童聲合唱及表演藝術協會副主席 , 中國音樂家協會理事 ,
中央音樂學院指揮系教授 , 中央音樂學院青年合唱團指揮 , 中國歌劇院合唱團客席指揮同時兼任昆明交響樂團藝術指導 ,
上海樂團客席指揮及日本大阪青少年交響樂團客席指揮。 楊鴻年教授指揮風格熱情奔放 , 細膩入微 , 曲目範圍廣泛 ,
表現力豐富。 他獨具一格的表演藝術以及他在訓練合唱方面的技術與修養 , 深受國內外專家的一致欽佩 ,
被國際上讚賞為"真正掌握合唱藝術奧秘的大師"。 鑑於楊鴻年教授的藝術成就 ,
連續三屆被各國指揮推舉為國際童聲合唱及表演藝術協會副主席。 美國總統裡根簽署了"最高鑑賞證書"贈與他所指導的少年合唱團 ,
並獲得美國紐瓦克市榮譽市民獎章 , 日本大阪市政府及兵庫縣先後授予他金鑰匙 , 以表彰他傑出的貢獻。
楊鴻年教授經常應邀到各地指揮交響音樂會 , 室內樂音樂會 , 合唱音樂會 , 是國際上甚有影響的合唱指揮家。
他還經常應邀率領中國交響樂團附屬少年及女子合唱團出國訪問 , 足跡遍及美國 , 日本 , 新加坡 , 奧地利 , 澳大利亞
, 意大利 , 瑞典 , 俄羅斯 , 台灣 , 香港等國家和地區 , 所到之處無不掀起讚譽高潮。 1996年8月 ,
他所指導的少年及女子合唱團在意大利第44屆"圭多達萊佐"國際複調合唱比賽中一舉獲得四項大獎 ,
打破了該比賽幾十年來的歷史記錄; 1999年5月他率領少年及女子合唱團赴莫斯科參加紀念普希金誕辰200週年國際藝術節專場演出
, 榮獲該藝術節唯一的特別獎; 1999年7月他指揮新疆師範大學合唱團赴意大利參加第38屆"賽格希茲"國際合唱比賽 ,
又榮獲混聲組第一名 , 女生組第一名 , 男生組第一名三項大獎; 楊鴻年教授是中國在國際合唱比賽中獲獎最多的指揮享。
譽海內外的中國交響樂團附屬少年及女子合唱團 ,1988年8月創建 , 由楊鴻年教授 , 楊力先生擔任指揮 ,
首都師範大學音樂系教授唐重慶女士擔任藝術指導及鋼琴伴奏。 現有團員250人 , 均來自北京市各中 , 小學。
在楊鴻年教授嚴格 , 細緻的訓練下 , 合唱團積累了500餘首中外合唱名曲 , 已成為蜚聲海內外的著名童聲合唱團。
1988年1月該團在中央電視台"通美林"磁帶評比活動中獲金獎第一名 ,
1991年10月又在"第一屆北京合唱節"中榮獲少年組第一名。 十多年來 , 合唱團的足跡遍及歐美和亞洲 , 歷訪美國 ,
俄羅斯 , 奧地利 , 意大利 , 瑞典 , 摩納哥 , 日本 , 新加坡 , 台灣 , 香港 , 澳門等國家和地區 ,
所到之處反響劇烈 , 被譽為世界七大童聲合唱團之一。 1987年8月應邀參加"華盛頓國際童聲合唱節" ,
巡迴演出過程中受到美國人民的熱烈歡迎 , 裡根總統親筆簽署了贈予該團的最高鑑賞證書。
1989年獲匈牙利'潤達依合唱作品國際比賽"的"極其優秀"評價及榮譽證書。 奧地利前總統基系萊格博士曾稱讚說:
"這樣好的音樂會應該讓全維也納人都能欣賞到才好。 "合唱團被台灣同胞稱讚為"兩岸中國人共有的驕傲" ,
被亞洲各國人民譽為"所有東方人的驕傲"。 1995年初 , 合唱團訪問香港二度赴新加坡演出時 ,
新聞界稱之為"當今世界樂壇上的一個奇蹟"; 7 , 8月間第三次東渡扶桑 ,
日本音樂界高度評價該團的演出藝術"不僅是中國的國寶 , 也是世界的珍寶" , 9月他們又應邀赴台灣在全島進行巡迴演出 ,
再次風靡了台灣寶島。 1997年7月至8月間 , 在美國舉辦的第五屆國際童聲合唱節上 ,
合唱團又被一致推舉為"最佳演出團體"。 1998年7月合唱團第三次應邀赴台進行全島巡迴演出 ,
1999年2月第三次應邀赴美進行巡迴演出 , 都一再受到了熱烈歡迎。 合唱團一貫以"愛"和"奉獻"的精神支持"希望工程" ,
為孤兒村演出 , 為全國中小學音樂教師演出。
音樂會當天不收門票免費入場。 但需要上網預訂門票 , 建議每人捐助10元。 現在95% 座位已經預訂 ,
門票將在音樂會前一小時於大廳長桌前接受領票。 沒有預訂票位者 , 請在音樂會開始前一小時 , 在入口處排隊取票。
查詢請洽中華表演藝術基金會譚嘉陵, 電話 781-259-8195或網站:
Conductor Yang
Hongnian is China's well-known Conductor and Music Educator and
Professor of Conducting at Central Conservatory of Music. He was
formerly Vice Chairman of the International Children's Chorus and
Performing Arts Association, Board Member of Chinese Musician's
Association, Adviser of China Choral Society and China Chorus
Professor Yang has an ardent and bold style. When conducting he
adds subtle movements to interpret the music in his vast
repertoire. His unique performing art and his music prowess are
well admired by musical professionals and educators in China and
overseas. He has received praise from the international music
community as a "maestro who masters the myth of chorus".
Based on Professor Yang Hongnian's achievements, he was granted
the title of "National Exemplary Worker in the Culture System". He
was consecutively recommended by the international conductors to
be the Vice Chairman of the National Children's Chorus Performing
Arts Association. US President Ronald Reagan awarded the highest
appreciation Certificate for the children's chorus he conducted
while in America. He received the Honorary Citizen of Newark Medal
and the Golden Key from Osaka and Bingku County of Japan for his
contribution to music.
Yang Hongnian is currently the Founder and Resident Conductor and
Art Director of the Children and Young Women's Chorus of the China
National Symphony Orchestra, the conductor of Youth Chorus of
Central Conservatory of Music, Adjunct Conductor of the Chorus of
the China National Symphony Orchestra, Adjunct Art Director of
Kunming Symphony Orchestra, Adjunct Conductor Shanghai Symphony
Orchestra and Adjunct Conductor of Osaka Youth Symphony Orchestra
of Japan. Being an influential conductor of international status,
he is constantly invited to conduct symphony orchestras, chamber
music and chorus concerts. His travels have included trips to the
USA, Japan, Singapore, Austria, Australia, Italy, Sweden, Russia,
Taiwan and Hong Kong. He always receives sensational welcomes.
The Children and Young Women's Chorus, led by Professor Yang, has
traveled to America, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Austria, Hungary,
German, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In
August, 1996, on behalf of the People's Republic of China, the
Chorus participated in the 44th International Polyphonic Contest
"Guido d' Arezzo" and was awarded 4 prizes, breaking the record
for Chorus Competition in history. In 1997, he was the general
conductor of the 5th International Children's Chorus Festival. In
May of 1999, the children chorus directed by him attended the 200
annual ceremony of Pushkin in Moscow and presented a special
performance, which was awarded the only special award. In July of
1999, he conducted the chorus of Xinjiang Normal University at the
38th "Segsitz" International Chorus Competition and his Choirs
achieved first place in the mixed group, in the women's group and
in the men's group becoming the Chinese conductor who has won the
most awards.
In February 2003, the American Choral Directors Association
invited Professor Yang and the Children and Young Women's Chorus
to participate in concerts at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and
Riverside Church. Over 9000 conductors from North America and all
over the world stood up and applauded the excellent performance of
the chorus. In July 2006, he was invited to be an international
judge of the Fourth World Choir Games.
In 2008, the China Children’s Choir participated in the Opening
Ceremony of the Olympic Games. Professor Yang accompanied the
choir to Bela Bartok International Music Festival in Hungary in
2010; and in 2011 competitions with Grand Prizes in Istanbul
International Music Festival in Turkey; and they also took the
Grand Prix Award in Saint Petersburg, ‘The Singing World’.
Besides his conducting work, Professor Yang has also composed
professional music teaching materials. His book, Treatise on
Training the Orchestra won the Chinese Golden Bell Award in China.
Professor Yang also wrote Treatise on Training the Children’s
Choir and Treatise on Training the Chorus.
Li Yang,
Assistant Conductor
Li is professor of Conducting Department of the Central
Conservatory of Music, Principal Conductor of Tianjin Symphony
Orchestra, Conductor of the Children and Young Women‘s Chorus of
the China National Symphony Orchestra, and Director and Conductor
of Beijing Philharmonic Chorus.
Yang Li was born in a musical family and started learning music
since early childhood. In 1990, He graduated from the Conducting
Department of Central Conservatory of Music. In 1997, he received
an "Artist Diploma" from Stuttgart Conservatory of Music in
Germany where he graduated from, and became the first Chinese
artist to win the H. von Karajan Foundation scholarship.
Since graduation in 1997, he returned to China and started
teaching in the Conducting Department of the Central Conservatory
of Music in Beijing. Having cooperated with various orchestras and
artists, Yang Li has performed a great number of symphonies,
chamber music, operas and choral works both in China and abroad.
The Ministry of Culture of Peoples Republic of China awarded the
"Wen Hua Prize" to Yang Li for his excellent performance on
conducting the opera production "General She Leng". During the
"2006 Busan Choral Festival and Competition", as conductor, he led
the Young Women’s Chorus of the China National Symphony Orchestra
to win the top awards in both Classical Music Category and
Ethnical Music Category. He was also given an award for "Best
Conductor". In 2010, Yang Li led the Beijing Philharmonic Chorus
and participated in the 24th Béla Bartók International Choir
Competition held in Hungary. The chorus won the first place among
Children’s Chorus Category, and the second place in the Youth
Category. In July 2011, Beijing Philharmonic Chorus competed in
the 2011 Istanbul International Chorus Competition, and was
awarded the first place in Children’s Choirs Category, Female
Choirs Category and the Grand-Prix. In the following month, the
chorus participated in "The Singing World"-The 7th International
Choir and Vocal Ensembles Competition in St. Petersburg and won 15
awards including first places in categories of Children’s Choirs
and Female Choirs, and Modern Music, as well as the Grand-Prix,
Special Prize of Jury and the Best Performance of Y. Falik’s work.
Yang Li was awarded the Best Conductor.
Yang Li was selected to be part of the jury of the 3rd Busan
International Chorus Festival in November 2007, and the 61st Japan
National Chorus Competition in October 2008.
Yang Li has also published academic papers in "Journal of the
Central Conservatory of Music", "Journal of Tianjin Conservatory
of Music" and various other professional periodicals.
at the former Prince Chun's Residence of Qing Dynasty, the Central
Conservatory of Music’s beginnings can be traced to 1940, when the
National Conservatory of Music was founded. It has merged together
with other 5 music institutions and departments of music in
Universities in 1950. Moved from Tianjin to Beijing in 1958, it
was ranked among the national leading universities in 1960.
Currently, it was listed as one of the leading universities in the
"211 project" in 2000, the only institution in Academies of Fine
Arts in China, and only key institution of higher learning
supervised directly under the Ministry of Education of the State
Council among all academies of arts in China.
The current enrolled student’s number nearly 1,910 and the
teaching and administrative staffs total about 700. Professors and
associate professors make up two third of the faculty. Over 30,000
students have graduated from the Conservatory. Many of the
graduates are now the musical directors, concertmasters of the
symphony orchestras, the core members of music schools, artistic
organizations, and research institutes in all parts of China and
world, and some of them have been ranked among the eminent Chinese
musicians and won the international fames and played important
roles in the development of music education in China.
Serving both as a center of music education for training
professional musicians and a center of
research-composition-performance for developing music education in
China, the CCOM has grown into a music institution of high
prestige at home and abroad
Chorus of the Central Conservatory of Music
Composed of outstanding students of the Voice and Opera Department
of the Central Conservatory of Music, the Chorus has participated
in many important performances and tours. Having toured Singapore
in 1989 and attended the National Students’ Art Festival in 1999
and 2001, the chorus has twice won the golden prize in the Chorus
Competition. Invited by Maestro Seiji Ozawa in 2002, they joined
an opera production of Puccini’s Madam Butterfly in Japan and
toured many cities in Japan and China to great acclaim. The chorus
also performed Beethoven’s "Ode to Joy" from Ninth Symphony with
London Philharmonic in the Grand Hall of People in 2003 Beijing
New Years Concert. The same piece was performed again in China
National Grand Theatre’s Opening Concert in 2007. Collaborated
with the Philharmonia Orchestra of Yale, the chorus successfully
performed Mahler’s Symphony No. 2(Resurrection)in the National
Centre for the Performing Arts in 2008. Another important event
was the performance of Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy with Seiji Ozawa
Music Academy Orchestra in NCPA in 2011.
In recent years, the chorus has appeared in many operas, which
include Cosi fan tutte, La Nozze di Figaro, La Boheme, La Traviata,
Rigoletto, Carman, La Clememza di Tito, Die Zauberflote, Madam
Butterfly, Eugene Onegin.
Many members in the chorus have become well-known concert or opera
singers, and some of them have earned international reputations
and are very active on music stages at home and abroad. |