photos: Cathy Chan
(新聞稿) Feb. 15, 2012,
原定上週六晚, 2/11, 在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall)
由鋼琴家陳薩和小提琴家寧峰合作演出的一場音樂會, 因為陳薩護照遺失, 無法如期舉行。
中華表演藝術基金會幸運的請到紐英崙音樂學院及耶魯大學教授鋼琴家陳宏寬代為演出。 雖有觀眾因陳薩和寧峰無法上場而要求退票,
也有一些卻是因為陳宏寬而至現場觀賞。 當晚演出精彩, 熱情觀眾掌聲熱絡, 為這意外插曲劃上一圓滿句點。
陳薩和寧峰已有多年合作經驗, 目前兩人都居住在德國。 預定在演出四天前抵波士頓排練。 曲目豐富精彩,
獨奏和二重奏具有挑戰性。 不料, 陳薩在出發前兩天遺失護照, 雖有美國簽證沒中國護照, 仍無法入境。
陳薩用盡方法請多方協助, 最大的可能是在演出前兩小時抵波士頓, 無法排練就上場。 寧峰已如期抵達,
在短時間裡找鋼琴家與他合作雖不難, 但臨時更改曲目是否對寧峰不公平? 整場音樂會的呈現也難以預期。 為多種未知因素,
主辦單位決定延後兩人音樂會, 當晚由才在兩天前在耶魯大學舉行了一場音樂會的陳宏寬代場。
27號E小調奏鳴曲, 作品第 90
28號A大調奏鳴曲, 作品第101
29號降B大調奏鳴曲, 作品第106"Hammerklavier” 槌子奏鳴曲
尤其是不朽的”槌子奏鳴曲”是一首45分鐘長難度極高的曲目。 整曲四個樂章, 從虛無誇大到詼諧,
從沉著穩重到融貫至知性中, 展示了高超的技術實力。 波士頓音樂情報(The Boston Musical
Intelligencer) 的樂評對當晚陳宏寬的表現有極高的評價:"陳宏寬是一個實力超強的鋼琴家。
他沉著內斂的詮釋了貝多芬晚期鋼琴奏鳴曲裡的挑釁性和啟發性。 能找到陳宏寬代替當晚的節目,
中華表演藝術基金會真是再幸運不過了。 "
當晚, 寧峰也輕鬆的在觀眾席觀賞, 並幫助銷售CD及簽名。 陳薩和寧峰的演出日期將在以後公佈。
Hung-Kuan Chen
Chen has been described as one of the great personalities of the
music world: enigmatic, brilliant, and versatile. And he is
admired both as a performer of uncompromising individuality and as
a remarkably inspiring teacher.
Born in Taipei and raised in Germany, Chen's early studies
fostered strong roots in Germanic classicism, which he tempered
with the sensibility of Chinese philosophy: the result is a
dynamic and imaginative artistry. He is regarded as an
extraordinary interpreter of Beethoven’s music.
Chen’s career was launched when he won First Prize in the Young
Concert Artists’ Auditions, which presented him in his New York
debut on the Young Concert Artists Series and followed it with a
second major New York concert at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully
Hall. One of the most decorated pianists of his generation, Mr.
Chen won top prizes in the Arthur Rubinstein, the Busoni and the
Geza Anda International Piano Competitions, along with prizes in
the Queen Elisabeth, Montreal, Van Cliburn, and Chopin
International Competition. He is a recipient of the prestigious
Avery Fisher Career Grant.
Chen has performed in the major cities of Asia, Europe, and the
Americas, where he has appeared with many important orchestras,
including Houston, Baltimore, Israel, Montréal, Pittsburgh, the
Tonhalle, San Francisco, and Shanghai. He has performed with such
highly esteemed conductors as Hans Graf, Christoph Eschenbach,
George Cleve, Joseph Silverstein, Andrew Parrott, and Sui Lan, and
colleagues including Yo-Yo Ma, Cho-Liang Lin, Roman Totenberg,
Denes Zsigmondy, Bion Tsang, Anthony Gigliotti, David Shifrin,
Laurence Lesser, and pianists Tema Blackstone and Pi-hsien Chen.
Chen was chair of the piano department of Shanghai Conservatory
and continues to codirect the International Piano Academy in
Shanghai. Previously he was on the faculty of Boston University
and was a Distinguished Artist in Residence at Mount Royal
University in Canada. In addition to his current work at New
England Conservatory, he is a Professor at Yale University. Chen
has adjudicated International Piano Competitions such as the Van
Cliburn, Busoni, and Honens, and is known as a brilliant and
devoted teacher.
In 1992, Chen suffered an injury to his hand that caused
neurological damage and eventually resulted in Focal Dystonia.
Through Qi Gong meditation and his own unique research, he was
able to heal and return to his life as a concert artist. In 1998,
his first post-accident solo recital received rave reviews, and he
was described as a transformed artist. Following his 2006 Jordan
Hall concert, Richard Dyer wrote in The Boston Globe: "Hung-Kuan
Chen is back in prime technical form after years of struggle
following an injury, but those years have made him a different
pianist, and a better one. This man plays music with uncommon
understanding and the instrument with uncommon imagination."
Hung-Kuan Chen recently completed a concert tour playing in San
Francisco, Boston, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other major cities
worldwide. This followed his 2008 concert in Stern Auditorium of
New York's Carnegie Hall and major engagements in Asia in 2009.
His Jordan Hall recital this season is the first in a series of
live recordings he is projected to complete in 2016.
Hung-Kuan Chen is represented by Opus 3 Artists & Blackstone
Artist Management.