Friday March 12, 2010, 8pm - at Harvard Sanders Theatre
Piano Master Class Wednesday, 3/10/2010, 7 PM at Steinert Hall 162 Boylston St, Boston

Celebrating 60 years
stage performance
All Schubert Program

Cheng-Zong Yin
The New York Times called him
"China's best pianist, with absolutely
beautiful command of colors,"




Allegretto in C Minor

四首即興曲作品142, Four Impromptus Op.142
1)F小調 中庸的快板 No.1 Allegro moderato in F minor
2)降A大調小快板 No.2 Allegretto in A flat major
3)降B大調行板, 主題與變奏 No.3 Andante variations in B flat major
4)F小調詼諧的快板 No.4 Allegro scherzando in F minor


降B大調奏嗚曲 , D960, Piano Sonata in B flat major, D960
1)中板 Molto moderato
2)延綿的行板 Andante sostenuto
3)詼諧曲-活潑的快板 Scherzo: Allegro vivace con delicatezza
4)不太快的快板-急板 Allegro ma non troppo-Presto


Chengzong Yin, one of the world's leading pianists, was born on China's "Piano Island" of Gulangyu in Xiamen, Fujian Province. He gave his first recital at age nine. Three years later he entered the pre-college of the Shanghai Conservatory, later transferred to the Central Conservatory in Beijing. Mr. Yin traveled to Russia in 1960s to study with Tatiana Kravchenko, and graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory and Central Conservatory in Beijing.

He has won numerous awards, including the gold medal at the World Youth Peace and Friendship Festival held in Vienna in 1959 and second prize in the 1962 Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. Mr. Yin made his debut in New York's Carnegie Hall in 1983 and has returned five times as a soloist. The New York Times has called him "China's best pianist." Throughout his career Mr. Yin has touched millions of souls with his music. Bernard Holland of the New York Times wrote that he demonstrated an "absolutely beautiful command of piano colors."

Through the years, Mr. Yin has traveled worldwide, performing under the baton of Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra, Claudio Abbado and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin and the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, and Sir Malcolm Sargent and the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra . He has also appeared in Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, and at Lincoln Center. His numerous interviews were featured on China's Central Television and CBS Sunday Morning. Formerly a professor and artist-in-residence at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Mr. Yin now lives in New York City.

Mr. Yin is not only a virtuoso interpreter of Western masters, he is also a composer of highly renowned piano pieces. His piano arrangements and interpretations of traditional Beijing opera and other classic Chinese music, combined with his contribution to the Yellow River Concerto have made him a household name in China. His recording of the latter piece received a Gold Record award, which has already over 3 million copies sold. He has become a legend in the music world and is one of four Chinese musicians who are listed in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, published in 1980.

Mr. Yin has released more than 20 albums, among them recent releases of an all-Chopin CD and a recording of Debussy's Preludes, super CDs of The Seasons by Tchaikovsky, and various Chinese ancient and traditional pieces arranged by Mr. Yin and others. His recordings of the Yellow River Concerto and Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic was released recently.

In autumn of 2002, Mr. Yin brought the prestigious Fourth Tchaikovsky International Competition for Young Musicians to his hometown, Xiamen, China, where he served as the Head Chairman of the Competition. He also served on the jury of the Third China International Piano Competition in 2004. The year 2005 marks the 55th anniversary of Mr. Yin's musical career. His extensive tours in North America and China during the year have included more than a dozen major cities in North America and China. In September and October of 2005, Mr. Yin performed the "Yellow River" Concerto at the Grand Theatre of Beijing's Palace for Nationalities and New York's Carnegie Hall respectively, marking the 35th anniversary of this work which he worked on as the primary composer and premiered in 1970. Mr. Yin has so far given seven performances in Carnegie's main hall.

During the season of 2006-07, Mr. Yin performed during the opening and closing ceremonies of the 50th anniversary of the founding of China National Orchestra. And in July of 07, he was invited to perform in Hong Kong with the China Philharmonic in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China - his Yellow River Concerto deeply touched the audience and, as the main composer and premier performer, his performance also revived the popular passion for the masterpiece.

In early 2007, Mr. Yin travelled to Brisbane and Melbourne of Australia and gave three performances there to sold-out audiences. His tour in Australia also marks the realization of his decades-long dream to perform on all five continents of the world.

In February 2008, Mr. Yin worked with the China National Orchestra to give their first-ever performance in the newly-opened China National Grand Theatre to mark the Chinese lunar new year. The concert was orgazined by Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV and broadcast live around the world.

Beginning in 2008, Mr. Yin embarked on an effort to produce ten recital programs basing on different composers and styles. The project will span three to five seasons. The first two programs have been completed and played in over 60 concerts in China and North America in the past year. He will continue to launch new programs in the coming seasons.

承宗是當代中國最負盛名的鋼琴家之一 , 曾被紐約時報 (The New York Times) 譽為「中國最優秀的鋼琴家」殷承宗 , 應中華表演藝術基金會的邀請 , 將於3月12日星期五晚八時在哈佛大學聖得斯劇院 ( Sanders Theater,45 Quincy St. Cambridge, MA) 舉行獨奏會 。當晚將全場演出舒伯特曲目 , 其中包括C小调小快板(Allegretto in C Minor) , 四首即兴曲作品(Four Impromptus Op.142) , 降B大调奏呜曲 , D960等 , 如時間允許將加演中国作品"红灯记"选段、"春江花月夜"、"陕北民歌等名曲 。

中華表演藝術基金會特邀請殷承宗於音樂會前3月10日周三晚七時 , 假Steinway Hall (M. Steinert & Sons , 162 Boylston Street, Boston) 開設一場大師班 , 免費入場 , 自由捐獻 , 請勿錯失難得機會 , 歡迎到場聆聽 。

出生於有"音樂搖籃"之美譽的廈門鼓浪嶼 , 殷承宗自幼迷戀鋼琴 , 九歲時即舉行了個人鋼琴獨奏音樂會 , 十二歲進入上海音樂學院附中 , 隨後轉到中央音樂學院繼續學習 。六十年代 , 到列寧格勒音樂學院隨塔季亞娜•克拉夫琴科(Tatiana Kravchenko)深造 。他畢業於列寧格勒音樂學院和中央音樂學院 , 曾任中央樂團首席鋼琴演奏家 , 贏得了很多獎項 , 包括1959年維也納世界青年節鋼琴比賽的第一名;1962年莫斯科柴可夫斯基國際音樂比賽鋼琴比賽第二名 。

己七度在紐約卡內基大堂登台 , 足跡遍及全球 , 在著名的音樂廳與第一流樂團及名指揮合作無數次 。包括尤金•奥曼迪(Eugene Ormandy)指揮的費城管弦樂團 , 克勞迪奥•阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)指揮的维也纳愛樂樂團等等 。他的專訪曾多次在中國中央電視台及CBS「週日早晨」節目中播出 。曾任克里夫蘭音樂學院的教授和駐院藝術家 。殷承宗用鋼琴演繹京劇 , 創作改编了許多著名的中國古曲 , 以及他對「黃河鋼琴協奏曲」的貢獻 , 使他成為家喻戶曉的鋼琴家 。他的「黄河」鋼琴協奏曲唱片得到金唱片獎 。已經有超過三百多萬張的銷量 , 並在五十幾個國家經常播出 。使他被選列入1980年出版的「新格羅夫音樂和音樂家詞典」的四位中國音樂家之一 。

今年2010是殷承宗從藝60周年纪念 。 2006-07年 , 他參加了中國國家交響樂團建團50週年音樂節的開幕和閉幕演出 , 尤其是07年7月在香港回歸十週年慶典期間 ,  他與中國愛樂樂團合作演出《黃河協奏曲》 , 引起了極大轟動 。另外 , 在07年春天 , 他應邀赴澳洲演出 , 獲得很大成功 , 完成了他在五大洲演出的心願  。2008年新春 , 他與中國國家交響樂團合作在中國國家大劇院音樂廳參加全球轉播的新春音樂會(鳳凰衛視主辦) , 向全世界展現《黃河》風采 。 5月份他參加澳門藝術節開幕首場演出 。 2007-08年 , 殷承宗總結性地推出以樂派、作曲家為主題的10套音樂會曲目 , 計劃用3-5個演出季完成 , 現首推的2套曲目已經在中國和北美完成60餘場 。在2008-09年的演出季 , 他繼續推出新的曲目 。

這次哈佛大學聖得斯劇院的演出 , 將全為奧地利作曲家舒伯特曲目 。1797年出生在維也納貧困的小學校長家庭 。舒伯特從小學習鋼琴和小提琴 , 16歲時為樂隊創作了第一首交響曲 。在他短暫的15年的創作中給後人留下了800多部作品 。1828年 , 年僅三十一歲的舒伯特在維也納長逝 , 他被後人崇敬地安葬在貝多芬墓旁 。

首先將會演奏的是C小調小快板 , 這是舒伯特去世前一年完成 , 即1827年創作 。這首樂曲是舒伯特為他最親密的朋友費迪南送行在簽字簿中寫成 , 樂曲充滿了離別的憂傷和依依不捨情緒 。四首即興曲作品142 , 這是舒伯特的第二組《即興曲》 。相對於各自對立的第一組即興曲 , 這組作品相互間的聯繫更為明顯 , 舒曼甚至認為它們共同組成了一首奏鳴曲 。 第一首F小調 , 中庸的快板 。優雅中帶有戲劇性、抒情性和活潑的跳動感 。 第二首降A大調 , 小快板 。清秀標緻 。 第三首降B大調 , 行板 , 變奏曲式 。這個著名的"羅莎蒙德"主題曾在同名的舞劇 , 是舒伯特非常有名的旋律之一 。不急不緩的節奏中 , 不斷閃現出各種微妙的靈感 。 第四首F小調 , 詼諧的快板 。是首輕鬆歡快的詼諧曲 。 降B大調奏嗚曲D960 , 這是舒伯特一生中最偉大的鋼琴作品 , 僅第一樂章就被評論家們盛讚"是貝多芬以來最好的奏鳴曲"; 作為舒伯特最後一首奏鳴曲 , 代表了舒伯特風格的最高境界 。1828年春 , 舒伯特開始創作他的最後兩首鋼琴奏鳴曲 , 並在當年9月底完成 , 此時距離作曲家去世僅幾個星期 。作品表達了對剛去世貝多芬的緬懷和追憶 。第一樂章以安詳、靜謐的主題開始 , 產生令人難忘的效果 。在這裏主題得到呼應 , 給人一種從寬廣的遠方走來的感受 。與此相對比 , 主題的反復則體現出一種急切和內在的特質 。第二樂章慢樂章 "綿延的行板" , 採用了一種幾乎是靜止的特徵 , 給人們極深刻的印象 。第三樂章歡快的諧謔曲 。第四樂章樂曲在焦急不安和暴風雨似的與寧靜的音樂對比中進行 , 和聲的表現更加細膩 , 以壯麗的尾聲完成了舒伯特一生中的最後一部鋼琴作品 。





享有盛譽的資深鋼琴家殷承宗 , 由波士頓中華表演藝術基金會安排 , 於今年3月12日晚 , 在哈佛大學聖德斯劇院(Sanders Theatre)舉行一場頗有紀念意義的獨奏音樂會 , 因為從9歲在家鄉鼓浪嶼首次登台獨奏算起 , 殷承宗至今已然度過了六十年的鋼琴藝術生涯 。

年屆七旬的殷承宗緩緩走上Sanders Theatre的舞台 , 站在鋼琴旁向熱情的觀眾們致意 。畢竟歲月無情 , 這位鋼琴家的面容、體型、舉止已有老態 , 但從他的雙手觸及琴鍵的那一刻起 , 我在台下驚喜地感覺到殷承宗的藝術活力並沒有衰退 , 而他那特有的氣質和造詣則愈發顯得爐火純青了 。

殷承宗在本次音樂會上 , 選擇演出了舒伯特晚期的幾部名作:《C小調小快板》、《四首即興曲》(D935)和《降B大調奏鳴曲》(D960) 。

《C小調小快板》是舒伯特1827年在為摯友費迪南(Ferdinand Walcher) 送行時所作的鋼琴小品 。殷承宗把作品中離別的憂傷、深摯的友情、起伏的心緒、如歌如詩的音韻 , 演繹得絲絲入扣、沁人肺腑 。我不由感慨地想 , 若無殷承宗那樣得天獨厚的詩人般氣質和經年累月的藝術積澱 , 恐怕很難在這樣一首篇幅有限的音樂小品中展示出如此感人的演藝魅力 。

《四首即興曲》(D935)也是舒伯特1827年的作品 。

"即興曲"也可歸入音樂小品的範疇 。但這部四首一組的《即興曲》 , 雖然每首各有風采 , 但四首之間又有著交相輝映的內在聯繫 , 好像是一部完整的四樂章作品 , 難怪舒伯特把這四首即興曲的組合比作是一部"奏鳴曲" 。

對殷承宗在音樂會現場演出的舒伯特《四首即興曲》 , 我覺得可以用"精細美妙 , 出神入化"八個字來形容 。 "精細美妙"是指他對樂曲的藝術處理 , 無論是音色的控制、力度的把握、技巧的駕馭 , 還是段落的對比、層次的變幻等等 , 都是那樣精緻、細膩 , 充滿美感 。 "出神入化"是指他對作品藝術風格、思想內涵的演繹 。鋼琴家對樂曲精妙入微的藝術處理 , 全無刻意雕鑿的痕跡 , 而是對音樂風格、內涵、意蘊融會貫通、得心應手的自然流露 。因而從整體來看 , 殷承宗對舒伯特《四首即興曲》的演繹 , 對寄寓於音樂中的靈感、思緒和多層面浪漫情懷的表現 , 已然達到了出神入化的境界 。

在音樂會的下半場 , 殷承宗演出了舒伯特於1828年創作的《降B大調奏鳴曲》(D960) , 這是作曲家在告別人世之前完成的最後一部作品 。

舒伯特在他人生的最後一年(1828) , 寫了三部鋼琴奏鳴曲 , 其中的《降B大調奏鳴曲》(D960)被後人稱為是舒伯特一生中最偉大的鋼琴曲 。

舒伯特對他的師長貝多芬十分崇敬 。 1827年初 , 貝多芬病勢沉重 , 舒伯特專程前去拜見 。同年3月 , 貝多芬逝世 , 舒伯特為貝多芬的葬禮執掌火炬 。在這首《降B大調奏鳴曲》中 , 舒伯特寄託了他緬懷先賢貝多芬的情懷 。

我悉心傾聽殷承宗奏響舒伯特《降B大調奏鳴曲》的第一樂章 , 深感創作者和表演者都不愧是抒情大師 。但聞一個安詳、肅穆的主題 , 一唱三歎 , 情深意切 , 扣人心弦;副部主題色調柔和 , 似是溫馨的追憶;經過調性搖曳不定、彷彿心緒起落的展開部 , 再次響起深情的主題 , 給人留下刻骨銘心的感受 。

第二樂章"綿延的行板" 。殷承宗把反復出現的固定節奏型與音樂多層次的展示、變化 , 處理得很協調、精緻 。

經過輕快、靈動的第三樂章"諧謔曲" , 殷承宗奏響《降B大調奏鳴曲》的末樂章——第四樂章 。

這是一個大起大落的樂章 。首先是一個快速、激烈、疾風驟雨似的樂段 , 彷彿心潮洶湧 , 但緊接著出現一個輕柔、沉靜的段落 , 猶如思緒連綿;殷承宗把音樂這種異常強烈的反差、對比 , 把握得恰到火候 , 毫無生硬、突兀之感 。樂章就在這樣的反復對比中進行、發展 , 最終形成豐盈、壯美的高潮 , 令人想起貝多芬、同樣也是舒伯特人生的最後輝煌!

殷承宗的舒伯特作品專場音樂會已然結束 。然而 , 在全場觀眾陣陣熱烈掌聲的一再要求下 , 鋼琴家欲罷不能地加演了三個曲目:殷承宗本人改編的京劇《紅燈記》唱段"都有一顆紅亮的心" , 杜鳴心改編的舞劇《紅色娘子軍》組曲 , 還有朱踐耳作曲、儲望華改編的《翻身的日子》 。前兩個曲目都是中國文革期間移植於"樣板戲"的鋼琴作品 , 從中折射出殷承宗藝術生涯中的一段特殊經歷 。

四十多年前的中國文化大革命 , 把鋼琴音樂藝術摧毀殆盡 。時任中央樂團首席鋼琴演奏家的殷承宗 , 苦心孤詣地借"樣板戲"之光 , 以鋼琴伴唱《紅燈記》的形式 , 使鋼琴在當時被"樣板戲"霸占的一統天下中求得一席之地 。之後 , 又以殷承宗領銜 , 在文革期間創作、演出了鋼琴協奏曲《黃河》和其他鋼琴作品 。平心而論 , 鋼琴藝術之所以沒有在文革期間絕跡 , 殷承宗功不可沒 。但時至今日 , 筆者已經不太欣賞這樣的作品 。我並不否認脫胎於"樣板戲"的鋼琴作品也具有一定的審美價值 , 甚至還能引起我的懷舊情懷 。但仔細品味 , 其濃烈的文革色彩與政治痕跡畢竟會使音樂離開真善美的藝術真諦 。當然 , 這僅是我個人的審美觀念 , 並不想加諸他人 。


音樂會門票分為$50 (貴賓保留區、可預先指定座位)及$30(不對號自由入座)兩種 , 學生票$15 (不對號自由座區)   。六歲以下兒童請勿入場  。購票:聖得斯廳票房(Sanders):617.496.2222 。波士頓書局(前世界書局): 617-451-1309, 葉秀聰鋼琴學校: 617-542-9129  。網站購票(無手續費)  。
$50: VIP Reserved Seats
$30: open seating at non-VIP section
$15: student open seating at non-VIP section
Children under 6 not admitted.

提供100張免費學生票 (14歲以上 , 每人一張) 請上 贈票網頁 索票  。
100 free student tickets available at only (1 per request for age 14 and up)

查詢: 中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵, 電話: 781-259-8195, 傳真: 781-259-9147,


Thank you for your generous contribution to
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts


Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts presents
Piano Master Class with Mr. Cheng-Zong Yin
Wednesday, 3/10/2010, 7 PM
Steinert Hall at M. Steinert & Sons, 162 Boylston St, Boston


1. Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor

Derek Wang

Derek Wang, age 11, student of Dorothy Shi since age five. He has won the Bay State Piano Competition of the Massachusetts Music Teachers Association, International Young Musicians Competition of the AADGT, American Protégé International Piano Competition, the Bradshaw and Buono International Piano Competition, and the American Finite Arts Festival competition.

As a scholar of the Lang Lang International Music Foundation, Derek Wang performed in the Foundation’s inaugural concert at New York City’s Town Hall in October 2008. In April 2009, he performed at Carnegie Hall as a guest artist of the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. In May, he performed on The Oprah Winfrey Show with Lang Lang and two fellow scholars of Lang Lang’s foundation. He is currently in the sixth grade at Mt. Alvernia Academy. 

 2.  Rachmaninoff: Six Moments Musicaux, Op. 16
2. E-flat minor  3. B minor  4. E minor

Cun Mo Yin

Cunmo Yin, age 16, student of Hung-Kuan Chen at the attached high school of Shanghai Conservatory, is currently a 10th grader at Walnut Hill School and the New England Conservatory Preparatory School. He was the second prize winner and also the youngest contestant of the 2009 Shanghai International Piano Competition.   He participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympics China Central TV Piano Extravaganza. In 2008 he recorded Liszt’s twelve Transcendental Etudes, performed with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and performed a solo recital in the prestigious Braunschweig Music Festival in Germany. 

3. Schumann: Carnival op.9 (no repeats)

Minjoo Choo

Miss Minjoo Choo received her BA with honor from Michigan State University majoring piano performance, and is currently studying with Alexander Korsantia at New England Conservatory for her master’s degree. She receives NEC Merit Grant with a cumulative GPA of 3.95.

4. Stravinsky: Trois mouvements de Petrouchka
    Danse Russe
    Chez Petrouchka
    La Semaine grasse

Leonardo Hilsdorf

Mr. Leonardo Hilsdorf is currently pursuing his Master degree at New England Conservatory under the guidance of Ms. Wha-Kyung Byun and Mr. Russell Sherman. Mr. Hilsdorf, from Brazil, had won all the first prizes in every major national competition in Brazil, and recorded for radio and television stations.

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts
updated 2010