(.2024.12.20) |
General Information and Application
2025 assigned piece:
Maurice Ravel: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand
(Éditions Durand)
ELIGIBILITY This competition is open to
pianists of all nationalities of age 35 and under as of June 6,
2025. First-prize winners of previous (2019, 2022, 2023, 2024)
International Concerto Competitions organized by Foundation for
Chinese Performing Arts are not eligible to compete. If passed the
Video Preliminary, the applicants should be able to appear in person
for the Semi-Final and Final Rounds in Boston. And if chosen as the
winner, to participate in all rehearsals and performance.
APPLICATION FEE A non-refundable USD $150 is
required for all applicants, payable to Foundation for Chinese
Performing Arts, 3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, USA. It could
be paid via PayPal,
Zelle or a bank check.
June 6, 2025
Application Deadline |
June 20, 2025:
Video Preliminary
results announced
June 28, 2025:
Semi-Finalists confirmed
August 14,
2025: |
Announcing the
required orchestral excerpt (about 5 -7 min) from the
Maurice Ravel Piano Concerto for the Left Hand
(Éditions Durand) to be included in the
Semi-Final Round. |
August 16, 2025, 1-6 pm: |
Semi-Final Round
at NEC's Williams Hall |
August 17, 2025, 7-11 pm: |
Final Round at NEC's Williams Hall |
August 20, 2025, 7-10 pm: |
rehearsal with winner soloist at NEC's Jordan Hall |
August 22, 2025, 7-10 pm: |
Orchestral Dress
Rehearsal at NEC's Jordan Hall |
August 23, 2025, 7:30 pm: |
Orchestra Concert
at NEC's Jordan Hall |
- The first prize
winner will receive USD $5,000 award and performing at NEC's Jordan
Hall with
Mercury Orchestra, the national winner of the 2010 American
Prize in Orchestral Performance, and conductor Channing Yu, 2010
American Prize in Orchestral Conducting.
- The first prize
winner will also be invited back to perform a solo recital in the
2026 Summer FREE Concerts @ NEC, with additional compensation.
- The Second prize
winner will receive USD $2,000 cash award. By judge's decision, the
second prize winner maybe invited back to perform a solo recital in
the 2026 Summer FREE Concerts @ NEC, with additional compensation.
- The Third prize
winner will receive USD $1,000 cash award.
- Those who passed
the Preliminary and advanced to the Semi-Final Round could request
housing arrangement from Wednesday August 13 to Monday August 18,
2025, and that of the first-prize winner to Sunday August 24, 2025.
- Those who passed
the Preliminary and advanced to the Semi-Final Round could request a
travel reimbursement up to USD $300 based on the travel related
Jury Panel
(in alphabetical
order) The judges will not give scores to his/her current students
For Video Preliminary
- Professor
Ning An 安寧, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, National
University of Singapore.
- Professor
Jianing Kong 孔嘉寧, Royal College of Music, London, UK
- Professor
Anton Nel,
University of Texas at Austin - Butler School of Music. USA
- Professor
Angel Ramon Rivera, former Director of New England
Conservatory’s Preparatory School.
- Professor
Tian Ying 應天峰, Frost School of Music at University of Miami.
For Semi-Final and Final Rounds
- Professor
Marc-André Hamelin, New England Conservatory of Music, Lifetime
Achievement Award from
the German Record Critics’ Association.
- Professor
Jung-Ja Kim, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, USA.
- Professor
Michael Lewin, Head Piano
Department of The Boston Conservatory at Berklee, USA. Artistic
Director of the Boston Conservatory Piano Masters Series.
- Professor
Sergey Schepkin,
Carnegie Mellon University, New England Conservatory of Music
Preparatory, USA
- Mr.
Channing Yu,
Conductor Mercury Orchestra, USA, Official collaborative pianist
will be provided for all finalists
collaborative pianist
How to apply
- Submit a
non-refundable USD $150 application fee, payable to Foundation
for Chinese Performing Arts, 3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA
01773, USA. Via PayPal ,
Zelle or a bank
- Email the
Application to foundation@chineseperformingarts.net with the
The Application Form. The Application Form is available
on this webpage.
Image of a government issued official proof of birth date,
such as the passport or driver's license.
For applicants who are under 18, the parent/guardian's
information and signature are also required.
- Upload the unedited
screening videos to YouTube (or Youku for students in China).
Provide the links with
detailed repertoire information in the Application Form. The video
recording should be prepared from
within the past two years.
Repertoire: Repertoire choices should show the applicants range
technically and musically.
It should include both A and B of the following:
FIRST movement of a sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, or
Schubert. •
One or more solo piece(s) in contrasting style at competitor’s
choice. All pieces must be played by memory. The repertoire could be
repeated in the Semi-Final Round.
- The total duration
of the videos should not exceed 20 minutes.
- The results of
the Video Preliminary will be announced by June 20, 2025 via
e-mail. Up to ten (with two
additional on wait-list) applicants will be invited to the
Semi-Final Round on Saturday August 16, 2025
at New England Conservatory's Williams Hall to perform solo
pieces by memory, plus a required
orchestral excerpt (about 5 -7 min) from the concerto, to be
announced on August 14, 2025 (two days
before the Semi- Final Round) in front of the Jury Panel and
- The chosen
Semi-Finalists should confirm their participation via e-mail no
later than June 28, 2025, and
provide the repertoire for the Semi-Final Round. A short bio up
to 250 words, and a head-shot photo for
publicity purpose are also required. The Semi-Finalists should
indicate whether housing is needed. Practice
rooms will be provided at New England Conservatory.
- The
requirements of repertoire for the Semi-Final Round include two
- 15 to 20
minutes of solo piece(s) of contrasting styles that must include
a FIRST movement from a
sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, or Schubert. The repertoire
from the preliminary round could be
repeated in the Semi-Final Round.
- A required
orchestra excerpt (about 5 -7 min) from the Ravel Piano Concerto
for the Left Hand
(Éditions Durand) to be announced on August 14, 2025 (two days
before the Semi-Final Round).
Performance will be accompanied by the official collaborative
pianist on the second piano.
- If the
competitor exceeds the time limit, the Jury has the right to
stop the performance.
- The competitors
should arrive New England Conservatory at least two hours prior
to the assigned time slot.
Warm-up practice rooms will be provided.
- All travel
expenses are the applicant's responsibility. Upon request, a
travel reimbursement of USD $300 could be provided based on the
travel related receipts.
- The order of
appearances at the Semi-Final Round will be determined by
drawing on Wednesday August 13,
2025, 6 pm at NEC's Williams Hall. If the candidates could
not appear in person, his or her designated
representative (with prior notice) could draw on his or her
behalf. This order will be used for rehearsals,
Semi-Final and Final rounds.
- The Jury’s
decision is final and binding. This event is open to the public.
- Up to four
Finalists will be invited to the Final Round next evening,
Sunday August 17, 2025, 7 pm to 11
pm at New England Conservatory's Williams Hall in front of
the same Jury Panel. This event is open to the public.
- Each Finalist
will have one hour rehearsal with the official collaborative
pianist on Sunday August 17 from
10 am to 12 pm, and from 1 pm to 4 pm, on assigned time slot.
Individual practice rooms will be provided.
- The Finalists
will perform the assigned concerto in its entirety from memory,
with the official collaborative
pianist on the second piano. The result will be announced right
after the Final Round. The Jury’s
decision is final and binding. This event is open to the public.
- The first prize
winner will start rehearsals and performance with Mercury
Orchestra on dates and venues as
listed above.
- By signing the
Application and Release Form, the applicant and/or his/her
parent/guardian of the
applicant agrees to release the Foundation for Chinese
Performing Arts 中華表演藝術基金會, the New
England Conservatory of Music, the Mercury Orchestra, and their
agents and employees from any and
all claims, demands, and cause of action on account of any
injury, illness, or loss which may occur
during his/her participation in the 2025 Fou Ts'ong
International Concerto Competition, and the Summer FREE Concert
Series at NEC 2025.
Application and Release Form
Foundation for
Chinese Performing Arts
Fou Ts'ong International Concerto Competition 2025
Concerto 2025: Maurice Ravel: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand (Éditions Durand)
Name: (English first name) ____________ ( English last name
Nationality as shown on passport or passport-equivalent document:
Birth Date (MM/DD/YR): ___________Age (as of June 6, 2025) _________ M□ F□
(Government issued official proof of birth date required, attach a scanned image
of passport or equivalent)
Mailing Street Address:
City _____________________ State/Zip _____________ Country _____________
Mobile Phone:___________Email of applicant: ______________________________
Current School and Grade: _____________________________________________
Current teacher: ________________ Email: _______________________________
Other teacher(s) of the past two years: _________Email(s):
Other teacher(s) of the past two years: _________Email(s):
Videos for Preliminary Audition: (composer, complete title of the work and
Upload the unedited screening videos to YouTube (or Youku for students in
China), and provide the links with detailed repertoire information below.
AUDITION Repertoire: Repertoire choices should show the applicants range
technically and musically. It should include both A and B as below:
A, FIRST movement of a classical sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, or
B, One or more solo piece(s) in contrasting style at competitor’s choice.
The total duration of the videos should not exceed 20 minutes. All pieces must
be played by memory. The repertoire could be repeated in the Semi-Final Round.
Composer, complete title of the work and movements
1:______________________________________________length: ________ min
Link of the video:____________________________________________________
2:______________________________________________length: ________ min
Link of the video:____________________________________________________
3:______________________________________________length: ________ min
Link of the video:____________________________________________________
4:______________________________________________length: ________ min
Link of the video:____________________________________________________
Release Statement
All applicants are required to sign
I, _______________________(Name), release
the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
中華表演藝術基金會, the New England Conservatory of Music,
the Mercury Orchestra, and their agents and employees from any and all claims,
demands, and cause of action on account of any injury, illness, or loss which
may occur during my participation in the Fou Ts'ong International Concerto
Competition, and the Summer FREE Concerts @ NEC 2025.
I understand that the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts holds the copyright
to all images and video recordings captured during the competition and
performances for archival purposes. It is expected that the final concert at
Jordan Hall will be recorded and made available for subsequent use in any manner
or for any purpose deemed appropriate by the Foundation, across all existing or
future media platforms. Neither the Foundation nor its assignees or licensees
shall be held liable for any compensation to competitors arising from the use of
materials derived from these recordings.
________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date
if under 18 years of age
Please return the Application and Release Form, proof of
birth date, the YouTube or Youku links of the Preliminary Audition video, and a
non-refundable application fee of US $150, via PayPal, Zelle (to cathy@fcpfa.net),
or bank check payable to Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, before June 6,
2025, to:
Dr. Catherine Tan Chan
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, USA
Mobile: 617-968-7094
Email: Foundation@ChinesePerformingArts.net

Competition 2025 Application Fee : US$150 |
Competition 2025 Application Fee
may pay US$150 using zelle to
directly. Make sure
you inform Cathy Chan by this email
of your name and the purpose after the fund is transferred. |

Thank you for
your generous contribution to
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts
updated 2025 |