The 33rd All-American and Canada
Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy
Competition 2024


 Winners’ List 2024





The 33rd Annual All-American and Canada Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition (2024) continued in an online format. Students submitted images of their artwork, which our esteemed judges carefully reviewed and scored individually. We then compiled the scores from each judge and awarded prizes (Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honor) based on the highest total scores. If a student submitted two pieces that both received awards, only the piece with the higher score would be awarded to avoid duplicate awards for the same student.

We received a total of 140 entries (Brush Painting 102, Calligraphy 38) submitted by different schools, arts studios, home schools, and individuals from 7 US States (CA, CT, GA, MA, MD, NJ, SC), and BC-Canada.  The images of the 64 winners’ art works will be posted on our website.

The names of the 5 judges are listed on the bottom of this release. The winners will receive certificates and cash prize as follows:

Age 9 and under: Gold ($100), Silver, Bronze
Age 10 to 13: Gold ($150), Silver ($100), Bronze, Honor
Age 14 to 17: Gold ($200), Silver ($150), Bronze, Honor
Age 18 to 22: Gold ($250), Silver ($200), Bronze

The mission of this competition is to promote and the appreciation of traditional Chinese culture.  It is funded in part by: “The Tan Family Culture Fund” 「譚嶽泉蕭運貞文教紀念基金」and donations from the general public. Your support is deeply appreciated. The deadline for 2025 submission is May 31, 2025.

I: Brush Painting Group A (age 9 and under, total 38 entries)


1.           Yuanci Huang 黃沅慈, age 9, Southeastern CT Chinese School 東南康州中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)

2.          Shinyee Tang 唐辛夷, age 8, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室


3.          Katy Lian 連思齊, age 8, Southeastern Chinese School, CT 東南康州中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, will not repeat)


4.          Eleanor Gu 顧恬溪, age 7, Li Zhai Art School, CT 康州李翟美術工作室

5.          Jaden Yue 岳萬萬, age 6, Li Zhai Art School, CT 康州李翟美術工作室


6.          Fanya Yu 俞凡雅, age 8, Ming Art Studio, CA 加州茗方畫室

7.           Yiran Zhang 章亦然, age 8, Ming Art Studio, CA 加州茗方畫室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)

8.          Katie Lee 李若晨, age 7, Ming Art Studio, CA 加州茗方畫室

9.          Eileen Chaeyeon Lee, age 7, Li Zhai Art School, CT 康州李翟美術工作室

10.       Elena Lee 李姝亞, age 7, Li Zhai Art School, CT 康州李翟美術工作室

11.        Yiran Zhang 章亦然, age 8, Ming Art Studio, CA 加州茗方畫室

II. Brush Painting Group B (age 10 to 13, total 29 entries)


12.       Chloe Wang 王若燁, age 12, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Gold, will not repeat)


13.       Allen Wang 王一帆, age 11, East point academy, Wang’s art studio, SC 東點小學王氏美術工作室
(His second piece of painting was also chosen as Silver, will not repeat)

14.       Christina Lin 林睿佳, age 13, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)


15.       Amanda Zhang 張文蘭, age 12, Brookline Chinese School, MA 麻州布魯克萊恩中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, will not repeat)

16.       Dana Lin 古晴予, age 10, Shuchen Buchko Art Studio, CA

17.       Nicole Zhou週凡迪, age 10, Newton Chinese School, MA麻州牛頓中文學校


18.       Ke Coco Meng蒙可, age 12, Newton Chinese School, MA麻州牛頓中文學校

19.       Ella Ly, age 13, Monmouth Fidelity Chinese School, NJ

20.      Katelyn Quon關慧琳, age 13, Monmouth Fidelity Chinese School, NJ

21.       Stella Chung 鄭欣慧, age 12, Newton Chinese Language School, MA麻州牛頓中文學校

22.      Sylvia Lin 林昱琦, age 10, Lexington Chinese School, MA 麻州勒星頓中文學校

III. Brush Painting Group C (age 14 to 17, total 33 entries)


23.      Ching-Lin Tran 陳清琳, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
 (Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)

24.      Jessica Chen 陳心玲, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, will not repeat)

25.      Shinher Jiang 蔣新禾, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院


26.      Leyi Li, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Silver, will not repeat)

27.      Jonathan Ngoi, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院

28.      Alice Wang 王一逸, age 14, Wang's Art Studio , SC 南卡羅來納州 東點小學王氏美術工作室
 (Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)

29.      Samantha St. Clair, age 16, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)


30.      Melody Gao高曉笛, age 15, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院

31.       XingYing He, age 16, Brookline chinese school, MA 麻州布魯克萊恩中文學校

32.      Sophie Luo 羅曉彤, age 15, Ichen Art Academy , CA 加州宜真美術學院

33.      Camellia Wang 王馨茗, age 14, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院


34.      Zhuojia Chen 陳琢葭, age 17, Lou Art Studio, GA 喬治亞州
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)

35.      Olivia Li 李彤, age 14, Wang's Art studio, SC 南卡羅來納州 東點小學王氏美術工作室

36.      Sangie Wu 吳祉嫻, age 17, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室

IV. Brush Painting Group D (age 18 to 22, total 2 entries)


37.       Zhirui Zhu 朱芝睿, age 21, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院


38.      Yiran Shen 沈亦然, age 21, Shadbolt Center For The Arts, BC, Canada 加拿 

V: Calligraphy Group S (age 9 and under, total 8 entries)


39.      Siqi Heather Yang 楊思齊, age 8, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室


40.      Michelle Kwan 關雯伊, age 9, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋

41.       Shinyee Tang 唐辛夷, age 8, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室

42.      Zhiyong Jiang 江之永, age 7, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室

43.      Kaihua Chong 種愷騅, age 9, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室


44.      Luyan Wang王鹿言, age 7, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室

VI: Calligraphy Group T (age 10 to 13, total 18 entries)


45.      Yibing Li 李益冰, age 12, Hayward, CA 加州


46.      Elaina Zhao趙彥晰, age 12, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室

47.      Yunzhe Li 李昀晢, age 11, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室

48.      Danna Peng 彭丹娜, age 11, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室


49.      Mia Lyons 師慧柔, age 12, Dynasty 中文 Art Studio, MD

50.      Ella Ly, age 13, Monmouth Fidelity Chinese School, NJ

51.       Mia Hsu 許芸, age 11, Lexington Chinese School, MA 麻州勒星頓中文學校
(Her second piece of Calligraphy was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)


52.      Katelyn Quon關慧琳, age 13, Monmouth Fidelity Chinese School, NJ
(Her second piece of Calligraphy was also chosen as Honor, will not repeat)

VII: Calligraphy Group U (age 14 to 17, total 11 entries)


53.      Haibin Peng彭海彬, age 17, Renaissance Chinese Calligraphy Academy, CA 加州汲古書會

54.      Lydia Wang 王祖晴, age 14, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉阿圖中文學校

55.       Enhua Khong鄺恩華, age 16, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院

56.      Vincent Kwan 關明宇, age 17, Bai-Du Studio, CA 加州百度書屋

57.       Xiaowei Zhao趙小衛, age 16, CA


58.      Shinher Jiang 蔣新禾, age 14, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉圖中文學校

59.      Zicong Xiao 肖梓聰, age 16, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院

60.      Zili Chang昌子力, age 15, Millburn High School, NJ


61.       Robert Lyons師智勇, age 14, Dynasty 中文 Art Studio, MD

62.      Tianke Zhao趙天柯, age 17, CA

63.      Quincy Wu吳女頻, age 14, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室

VIII. Calligraphy Group V (age 18 to 22, total 1 entry)


64.      Yanqi Zhao 趙彥淇, age 18, Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio, CA 華風書法工作室



1, Objective:

  • To promote and to preserve the traditional art of Chinese brush painting and calligraphy.

2, Eligibility:

  • All students in United States and Canada, age 22 and under, regardless of ethnic origin, individual or currently enrolled in Chinese school, private art class, art studio, and/or college are eligible. There will be four age groups: 9 and under, 10 to 13, 14 to 17, and 18 to 22. Age refers to the date of Application Deadline. It is May 31 in 2024. Each student can submit two pieces of either brush painting or calligraphy, or both, total up to four pieces per student if both brush painting and calligraphy works are included.

3, Application Fee: USD $10 per person. payment online on our website.

4, Application Deadline:  May 31, 2024

5, Jury Date:  June 15, 2024

6, Results Announced:  June 25, 2024

7, Awards:  Certification and Cash Award

  • Age 9 and under: Gold ($100), Silver, Bronze
  • Age 10 to 13: Gold ($150), Silver ($100), Bronze, Honor
  • Age 14 to 17: Gold ($200), Silver ($150), Bronze, Honor
  • Age 18 to 22: Gold ($250), Silver ($200), Bronze
8, Original Artwork
  1. The true essence of art and creativity lies in the originality and the faith in a non-plagiarized product.
  2. The art work should be of high quality produced within the past 12 months by the student her/himself. Xerox copy or tracing of existing arts or calligraphy is not acceptable.
  3. The art work must be produced on Chinese rice paper.
  4. The content of the painting or calligraphy should be focused on promoting traditional Chinese culture and values. Artworks with political agenda or of aggressive nature will not be accepted.
  5. The Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts reserves the right of refusal for entering this competition based on the content of the art work. 
9, Digital Image Submission
  1. Acceptable image types are: jpg, png, or pdf.
  2. the name of the artist should appear on the painting or calligraphy as a part of the art work.
  3. if the art work consists of multiple panels, all panels should be together on one image, arranged starting from the right-hand-side (first panel) to the left-hand-side (last panel).
  4. Submitted image(s) must be clear, sharp and free of distortions or reflections. The scanning service at Staples is highly recommended.
  5. Post editing or enhancement applied on photographic or digitally scanned image of the artwork is prohibited.
  6. Orientation can be either portrait or landscape
  7. Minimum image resolution of the image is 4000 pixels (longitudinal length)
  8. A registration fee of USD $10 per student is required. Enter the 17-digit Receipt Number shown in the email from Paypal on the application form.
  9. The Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts reserves the right of refusal based on the quality of the images. 
10, The following information are required on the Application Form:
  1. Name : first name - last name - Chinese name (optional)
  2. Date of Birth: MM/DD/YR   (age: as of May 31, 2024)
  3. Mailing address for sending award checks
  4. Name of Art studio, or Chinese School, and the City and State it is located
  5. (optional) Website of Art teacher, Art Studio, or Chinese School
  6. Contacting email and phone number
  7. Maximum number of submission is two for each category (Painting/Calligraphy)
  8. Upload image(s) online.
11, Jury Panel of 2024 (alphabetically)
  • Dr. Edward Chiang 蔣宗壬: calligrapher and collector 書法家和藝術鑑賞收藏家

  • Dr. Doris Chu 朱蓉: Art critics and juror of professional art competitions. 專業藝術比賽的藝術評論家和評委

  • Dr. Wei Du 杜瑋: Calligrapher and collector, 書法家與收藏家

  • Mr. Ho-Chung Lam 林浩宗: Professional Chinese brush painter and calligrapher. Former President, Chinese American Fine Arts Society 專業中國國畫家、書法家。前紐英崙藝術學會會長

  • Mr. Qingxiong Ma 馬清雄: Professional Chinese brush painter and calligrapher. 專業中國國畫家、書法家

12, Online Payment and Submission: 



新聞稿 (4/23/2024) 

由中華表演藝術基金會主辨的第33 (2024) 全美加青少年國畫書法比賽, 將于51日開始接受參賽作品, 531日截止收件 邀請美國和加拿大所有 22 歲及以下的學生參加。 分為四個年齡層:9 歲及以下、10 13 歲、14 17 歲、18 22 歲。 年齡以2024531日申請截止日期為準。 每人可提交2幅國畫或書法作品,或兩者皆可,最多4幅。

申請費:每人 10 美元,無論提交的作品數量多少。
2024 5 31 日,星期五
2024 6 25
250 美元

本項國畫書法比賽己連續舉辦32年, 2023 年起,轉換為在線上舉辦 。對提高海外華裔青少年學習中國傳統文化之興趣,貢獻良多。希望鼓勵青年學習傳統中國國畫書法,培養成終身愛好。為數不少的學生將參加本項比賽成績作為申請大學的才藝資料,頗受重視。

本項比賽敦聘藝文界書畫專家擔任評委,以示慎重。2024 年評審團為 (按英文姓氏字母順序)  : Edward Chiang 蔣宗壬博士、Doris Chu 朱蓉博士、Wei Du 杜瑋醫生、Ho-Chung Lam 林浩宗先生、Qingxiong Ma 馬清雄先生。比賽簡章, 報名表, 及自1999 - 2023年的入選優秀作品可在網上看到

The 33rd Annual (2024) All-American and Canada Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition, organized by Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, will begin accepting entries on May 1st and close on May 31st. All students aged 22 and under from the United States and Canada are invited to participate. The competition is divided into four age groups: 9 and under, 10 to 13, 14 to 17, and 18 to 22. Age is determined as of May 31, 2024, the application deadline. Each participant can submit up to 2 Chinese painting or calligraphy works, or a combination of both, up to a maximum of 4 pieces.

Application fee: $10 per person, regardless of the number of submissions.

Deadline: Friday, May 31, 2024
Results Announcement: June 25, 2024
Cash prizes of up to $250 will be awarded.

This competition has been held continuously for 32 years. Since 2023, it has been transitioned to an online format.  It aims to enhance the interest of overseas Chinese youth in learning traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, fostering a lifelong passion. Many students who participated in this competition have valued for their university applications.

Esteemed experts in the arts and calligraphy have been invited to serve as judges, demonstrating the seriousness of the competition. The 2024 jury panel consists of (alphabetically): Dr. Edward Chiang, Dr. Doris Chu, Dr. Wei Du, Mr. Ho-Chung Lam, and Mr. Qingxiong Ma.

Competition regulations, application forms, and images of award-winning art works from 1999 to 2023 can be viewed online .