The 17th Annual All-American Youth
Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition

(Sponsored and organized by the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts)

Winners’ List 2008

Competition Rules:  Click here for details

The following 59 winners were chosen from a total of 369 entries (Brush Painting: 256, Calligraphy: 113) submitted by 38 different Chinese Schools, arts studios, and individuals from eight states (MD, NJ, NY, MA, IL, CO, CA and Maine.) The photos of the 59 winners will be posted on our website at:  around May 30, 2008. We have also listed the finalists from each groups, their works were also excellent. This project is funded in part by: “The Tan Family Culture Fund,” “New England Fine Arts Society”, and the donations from the general public. The names of the judges are listed at the end of this release. This competition will be repeated next year: deadline for submission is April 15, 2009, and the judging will be on Saturday, April 25, 2009..

第十七屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽 , 四月十九日 , 經朱蓉、 陸惠風、 李蕙蓮 , 馬清雄、 白謙慎、 鍾耀星、 高靜華七位評委 , 三小時的精挑細選反覆審查 , 己由全部 369件作品中選出59件 金銀銅佳作等得獎作品 , 將獲獎金獎狀 。本次參賽作品來自 ; 馬里蘭州、 紐澤西州、 紐約州、 加州、 科羅拉多州、 伊利諾州、 緬因州及麻州等38所中文學校、 書畫學苑及個人 。全部參賽作品 , 包括國畫256件 , 書法113件 , 將紐頓市僑教中心的大廳四週、 前廳及前後走廊全部貼滿 。主辦單位中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵表示 , 今年的作品素質又明顯提昇 , 尤其是書法組 , 尺幅加大對聯增多 , 件件精彩 , 美不勝收 。 評委雖都是專業行家 , 法眼取捨之間也頗為難 。很多學校己先行初賽 , 優勝者才送來參加 。今年有很多新的學校參與 , 但也有些地方因教師的變動完全沒有送件 。十分可惜 , 還需要多多宣揚及鼓勵 。今年也依往例 , 將入圍者名單公佈 , 鼓勵各地學生 , 百尺竿頭更進一步 。譚嘉陵並期望各校老師家長勉勵學生 , 以參與為重 , 不要對是否得獎過份在意 , 以盡量發揚中華文化的精髓 , 學習傳統中國國畫及書法共勉之 。

本項展覽即日起到四月二十九日為止 。 59幅得獎作品經裝裱後 , 將在僑教中心 , 牛頓中文學校等地展出 。 並在五月三十日前後放上網頁 . 明年仍是同一時間舉行 , 希望大家踴躍參加 。

本項活動得到 「譚嶽泉蕭運貞文教紀念基金」、 「紐英崙藝術學會」及大家的捐款贊助 。查詢請冾譚嘉陵, 電話 781-259-8195. Email: .

June 13, 2008 ► The 2008 competition winners’ art works were invited to an exhibition at the Asian American Civic Association Annual Gala at the Cyclorama Boston Center for the Arts. More than one thousand attended this event. Among the guests are Mrs. Angela Menino (wife of Boston Mayor Thomas Menino), Mr. and Mrs. John D. DesPrez III, President and CEO of John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., and Mr. A. Raymond Tye, President of the Ray Tye Medical Aid Foundation, just to name a few. All the guests were overwhelmed by the superior quality of the exhibition. It was considered the best show of the evening.  [Photos by photographer Mr. George Moy]

Group A : Brush Painting (age 9 and under, total 55 pieces)
Group B : Brush Painting (age 10 to 13, total 117 pieces)
Group C : Brush Painting (age 14 to 17, total 78 pieces)
Group D : Brush Painting (age 18 to 21, total 6 pieces)
Group S : Calligraphy (age 9 and under, total 18 pieces) 
Group T : Calligraphy (age 10 to 13, total 49 pieces) 
Group U : Calligraphy (age 14 to 17, total 41 pieces) 
Group V : Calligraphy (age 18 to 22, total 5 pieces)


Group A : Brush Painting  (age 9 and under, total 55 pieces)

       Gold Medal

1. Michelle Lew 雷慧敏, age 9, Pon Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicated.)

       Silver Medal

2. Wendy Liu劉文斗, age 9, American Chinese Culture and Art Center, NJ 新澤西州美中文化藝術交流中心
3. Lucas Chiu 邱浩中, age 7, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
4. Aaron Cheng 鄭文峰, age 8, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
5. Angelina Cheng 鄭文靖, age 6, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicated.)

       Bronze Medal

6. Rachel Wong 黃恩然, age 9, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
7. Olivia Zhou 周佳湉, age 9, Dynasty Chinese Art Studio, MD 馬里蘭州 隨緣畫室
8. Yean-Ling Cho 曹嬿翎, age 9, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室


Katie Shiu 邵家怡, age 8, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist.)

Bonnie Chan 陳奕如, age 8, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Andrea Chiu 趙頌妍, age 9, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
Aaron Cheng 鄭文峰, age 8, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
Wenhan Fang 方文翰, age 8, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Crystal Wang 王晶瑩, age 9, Hope Chinese School, MD馬里蘭州希望中文學校
Emily Kong 江嘉莉, age 9, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
Allyson Tan 譚琛, age 9, Li-Ming Chinese Academy, MD馬里蘭州黎明中文學校
Lucy Huan Miao 苗歡, age 9, American Chinese Culture and Art Center, NJ 新澤西州美中文化藝術交流中心
Zack More 莫才傑, age 6, Rockville Chinese School, MD 馬里蘭州洛城中文學校
Angela Liu 劉思怡, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Hao Yang He 何浩揚, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(His second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist.)

Rebecca Ju 鞠悠然, age 8, Newton Chinese Language School, MA麻州 牛頓中文學校
Donna Li 李穎琳, age 8, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Diane Jiang 江文婷, age 9, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
April Gong 江婉螢, age 8, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Jusha Musella 余子豪, age 8, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校

Group B : Brush Painting  (age 10 to 13, total 117 pieces)

        Gold Medal

9. Alvina Yau 丘樂寧, age 13, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Silver, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
10. Austin Eng 伍樂文, age 12, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(His second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
11. Yennie Shyu 徐紫璐, age 12, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Silver, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)

       Silver Medal

12. Angela Liu 劉安琪, age 11, American Chinese Culture and Art Center, NJ 新澤西州美中文化藝術交流中心
13. Victoria Hou 侯潔麟, age 12, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
14. Joie Lin 林庭卉, age 12, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社

        Bronze Medal

15. Felix Zhou 周瑞海, age 13, Dynasty Chinese Art Studio, MD 馬里蘭州 隨緣畫室
16. Emily Chen 陳怡璇, age 10, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ 新澤西州孟華中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
17. Amber Chen 陳安捷, age 13, Washington School of Chinese Language and Culture, MD馬里蘭州華府中文學校
18. Dennis Cheng 鄭文傑, age 12, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ 新澤西州孟華中文學校
(His second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
19. Rachel Lew 雷慧燕, age 12, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室


20. Jennifer Chen 陳冠潔, age 13, Lexington Chinese School, MA麻州 勒星頓中文學校
21. Emily Lin 林哲萱, age 12, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
22. Mathew Fung 馮卓俊, age 10, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(His second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)


Hannah Chen 陳潔霖, age 13, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Amy Xia 夏愛咪, age 12, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Andrew Lee 李昕, age 13, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Howard Chong 昌海博, age 13, American Chinese Culture and Art Center, NJ 新澤西州美中文化藝術交流中心
Chloe Chang 張可依, age 10, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ 新澤西州孟華中文學校
Serena Yau 游徽蕓, age 12, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Connie Chan 陳嘉文, age 10, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
Jing He 賀婧, age 13, Cambridge Chinese School, MA麻州劍橋中文學校
Brittany Chan 陳綺雯, age 12, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
Edward Mole 穆元鈞, age 12, American Chinese Culture and Art Center, NJ 新澤西州美中文化藝術交流中心
Diana Ng 伍敏怡, age 13, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Shannon Cheung 張佩盈, age 12, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ 新澤西州孟華中文學校
Catherine Qin 秦潔, age 13, Newton Chinese Language School, MA 麻州牛頓中文學校
Grace Chen 陳圓媛, age 13, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Megan Jew 譚蕙琳, age 12, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校

Group C : Brush Painting  (age 14 to 17, total 78 pieces)

        Gold Medal 

23. Gina Zheng 鄭吉娜, age 14, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
24. Michelle Lee 李德儀, age 15, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
25. Jennifer Fan Wing Sum 范詠琛, age 17, Phillips Academy Andover, MA 麻州安多福市菲立浦私立高中
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Silver, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)

        Silver Medal

26. Jasmin Wu 吳孟璇, age 17, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
27. Winnie Leung 梁穎能, age 15, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
28. Tiffany Liou 劉玉涵, age16, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社

       Bronze Medal 

29. Diana Zheng 鄭安娜, age 16, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
30. Vicki Hsu 許書婷, age 15, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
31. Lucia Song 宋璐茜, age 14, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社


Adrienne Lee 李道凡, age 15, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Jasmine Ho 何欲靜, age 16, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Stephanie Shieh 謝宛庭, age 17, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Amanda Lee 李曼達, age 17, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Heidi Tan 陳愛婷, age 15, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Sandy Liu 劉靜婷, age 17, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Grace Lee 李晞瑜, age 16, Silicon Valley Art School, CA 加州硅谷藝術學校
Shelley Xia 夏雪麗, age 16, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Margaret Houang 黃嘉欣, age 16, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Jessica Louie 雷鳳儀, age 15, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ新澤西州孟華中文學校
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist)

Sara Leung 梁思惠, age 15, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
Karen Lo 羅偉瑄, age 15, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Samantha Chu 朱佩靈, age 14, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
Anastasia Hou 侯天琦, age 15, Hope Rockville Chinese School, MD 馬里蘭州希望中文學校
Brittany Ko 柯致安, age 15, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室
IChun Kuo 郭羿君, age 17, Lexington Chinese School, MA麻州勒星頓中文學校
Sarah Wang 王子琦, age 16, American Chinese Culture and Art Center, NJ 新澤西州美中文化藝術交流中心
Tony Huang 黃旭輝, age 15, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Emily Tsai 蔡明利, age 16, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Jason Chang 張聖安, age 16, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室

Group D : Brush Painting  (age 18 to 21, total 6 pieces)

        Gold Medal 

32. Jennifer Louie 雷鳳鳴, age 17, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室

        Silver Medal

33. Jenny Chang 張洁旋, age 18, Dynasty Chinese Art Studio, MD馬里蘭州隨緣畫室

       Bronze Medal

34. Catherine Lee 李道怡, age 20, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
35. Harrison Cheng 程欣浩, age 18, Pon-Pon Arts, NJ 新澤西州朋朋畫室

 Group S : Calligraphy  (age 9 and under, total 18 pieces)

        Gold Medal

36. Karen Kuo 郭郁瑩, age 9, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉阿圖中文學校

        Silver Medal 

37. Connor Chen 陳康能, age 8, Ray Chen Chinese Calligraphy Studio, CA 加州陳睿書法社

        Bronze Medal 

38. Andrew Huang 洪梓銘, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
39. Jeffrey Lin 林竭誠, age 8, Tzu Chi Academy San Jose, CA 加州慈濟人文學校
40. Jocelyn Wang 王嘉寧, age 9, Tzu Chi Academy San Jose, CA 加州慈濟人文學校


Donna Li 李穎琳, age 8, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Kai-Ling Wang 王凱琳, age 8, Guigu Huaxia Chinese School, CA 加州硅谷華夏中文學校
Frances Yau 游暄靜, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Lily Chan 陳嘉麗, age 9, Guigu Huaxia Chinese School, CA 加州硅谷華夏中文學校
Cynthia Tu 徐潔兒, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Henry Zhu 朱漢瑞, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Angela Liu 劉思怡, age 9, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室
Jennifer Wang 王曉萍, age 9, Guigu Huaxia Chinese School, CA 加州硅谷華夏中文學校

 Group T : Calligraphy  (age 10 to 13, total 49 pieces)

        Gold Medal 

41. Elbert Lin 林宗儒, age 12, Wisdom Chinese Language School, CA 加州慧智中文學校
(four-panels 四幅對聯)
(His second piece of calligraphy, (four-panels四幅對聯) was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)

        Silver Medal 

42. Angela Chen 陳安安, age 12, Hann-Sing Chinese Association, CA 加州漢莘中文學校
(four-panels 四幅對聯)
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
43. Alvina Yau 丘樂寧, age 13, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
(panels 對聯)
(His second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Bronze, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
44. Peter Huang 黃光宇, age 12, Yu-Tao Calligraphy Art Research, CA 加州鬱陶書法研究社

        Bronze Medal 

45. Jordeen Chang 張若涵, age 13, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
46. Jennifer Chang 張文綺, age 12, Fremont Chinese School, CA 加州佛利蒙中文學校
47. Christine Tseng 曾日新, age 13, Rainbow Chinese School, CA 加州日新中文學校


Angela Tang 唐于涵, age 11, Li-Ming Chinese School, MD 馬里蘭州黎明中文學校
Marianne Huang 黃麗安, age 11, Yu-Tao Calligraphy Art Research, CA 加州鬱陶書法研究社
Winston Chen 陳懷哲, age 12, Palo Alto Chinese School, CA 加州柏拉阿圖中文學校
(His second piece of Calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist.)

Tiffany Chen 陳立賢, age 11, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Michelle Chen 陳舒郁, age 13, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Michelle Wang 汪小可, age 10, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ 新澤西州孟華中文學校
Albert Lo 羅偉修, age 10, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Jennifer Chen 陳冠潔, age 13, Lexington Chinese School, MA 麻州勒星頓中文學校
Andy Tsai 蔡宇翔, age 13, Rainbow Chinese School, CA 加州日新中文學校
Kevin Chin 金其二, age 12, Li-Ming Chinese Academy, MD 馬里蘭州黎明中文學校

Group U : Calligraphy  (age 14 to 17, total 41 pieces)

        Gold Medal 

48. Sharleen Tu 杜怡瑩, age 15, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
(Her second piece of calligraphy, panels對聯, was also chosen as Silver, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
49. Shelly Xia 夏雪麗, age 15, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
50. Jessica Hsu 許瓊姿, age 17, Berryessa Chinese School, CA 加州聖荷西博愛中文學校

       Silver Medal 

51. Catherine Wei 韋安祺, age 14, North Valley Chinese School, CA 加州 光華實驗中文學校
52. Anita Chen 陳安笛, age 16, Washington School of Chinese Language and Culture, MD 馬里蘭州華府中文學校
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)

        Bronze Medal 

53. Anastasia Hou 侯天琦, age 15, Hope Rockville Chinese School, MD 馬里蘭州希望中文學校
54. Lucia Song 宋璐茜, age 14, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
(Her second piece of calligraphy, panels對聯, was also chosen as Finalist, but will not be awarded in duplicate.)
55. Miriam Lee 李嘉惠, age 16, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
56. Adrienne Lee 李道凡, age 15, Berryessa Chinese School, CA 加州聖荷西博愛中文學校


Damaris Han 韓思文, age 16, Rainbow Chinese School, CA 加州日新中文學校
Karen Lo 羅偉瑄, age 14, Shirley Chen’s Art Studio, CA 加州彭秋香畫室
Stephanie Tran 陳慧榕, age 15, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
panels 對聯

Vivian Chou 周采薇, age 16, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Lim-Man Leong 梁廉明, age 16, Ray Chen Chinese Calligraphy Studio, CA 加州陳睿書法社
Sheila Lin 林孟穎, age 16, Ichen Chinese Art Studio, CA 加州吳宜真書畫社
Jessica Louie 雷鳳儀, age 15, Monmouth Chinese School, NJ 新澤西州孟華中文學校
I Chun Kuo 郭羿君, age 17, Lexington Chinese School, MA 麻州勒星頓中文學校
(Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist.)

Group V : Calligraphy  (age 18 to 22, total 5 pieces)

        Gold Medal

57. Guntur Darmawan Lai 賴文俊, age 22, Highlands Ranch, CO

        Silver Medal

58. Xiao Fei Jalette 笑菲, age 18, Boston Chinese Calligraphy Study Society, MA 麻州波士頓中國書法研究社

Bronze Medal

59. Sabrina Leu 呂為欣, age 18, Channing Art Studio, CA 加州長寧工作室

Panel of Judges for 2008 Competition Judgment on April 19, 2008:

Dr. Doris Chu 朱蓉: Art critics and juror of professional art competitions.
Mrs. Hui-Liang Lee Chang 李蕙蓮: Professional Chinese brush painter and calligrapher.
Prof. Wai-Fong Loh 陸惠風: Former professor of Chinese History at Harvard University. 
Poet, writer, and art collector.
Prof. Qian-Shen Bai 白謙慎 Professor of Chinese Art History at Boston University and professional calligrapher.
Mr. Yu-Sing Jung 鍾耀星: Renowned architect and calligrapher.
Mr. Qingxiong Ma 馬清雄: Professional Chinese brush painter and calligrapher.
Mrs. Jing Hua Dalia 高靜華: Professional Chinese brush painter and calligrapher.

 Coming Next ...

April 15, 2009       application deadline TBD  
The 18th Annual All-American Youth Brush Painting and Calligraphy competition

2008 Brush Painting Medalist (#23)
Group C : Age 14 to 17
2008 Calligraphy Medalist (#48)
Group U : Age 14 to 17
Details TBD  

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts
August 2008

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Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts